forum writing club. (Open)
Started by @IcarusFightsTheSun book

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@im-with-stoopid pets

Been reading Julius Caesar, and it may or may not have inspired a character's dialect and/or personality-
Just look at this dweeb talk:

His words are becoming louder and angrier, but it's obvious that he wants to remain calm, to be in control, to feel… happy?
"I've been through it all," His fists clench, and he practically snarls the words at us. "I've seen spirits break, hearts rend, bodies collapse and never stand again… and for what? What could justify this confinement, this nightmare, this hellscape?! What cruel sadism led to this?! What mortal could devise such evil as this?!"

Lmao, look at this dork have a mental breakdown-

Can't get enough of this loser- low-key obsessed with writing him-

There's no knowing how much he's seen or heard, but his voice has a distant, apathetic tone now, as though my reaction is his routine. As though the words have been repeated countless times. As though the words truly carry no meaning.
"I've a hope. A hope that someday, the clouds may part, and the sun shine through. That an opportunity for escape presents itself," He's fighting to keep his voice relaxed. "If, when, such a day may come, promise me this: promise me you'll latch onto that opportunity and not let go as long as you live. That you'll chase that sunlight and never return to these shadows."

Deleted user

i cant write anymore
i broke my wrist and typing with one hand sucks

@im-with-stoopid pets

Y'ever feel like you write better in excerpts, so now you have a bunch of them sitting around, and you're trying to figure what to do with them and how to string them together into an actual story-
-so you start to consider just writing the entire series as excerpts, but that would get really confusing really fast, so now you're just sitting there like a dorkus because your work process is actually really, really, really unorganized?


i cant write anymore
i broke my wrist and typing with one hand sucks

uses magical enby healing powers
Sure, they have no actual effect, sadly, but to cheer you up a bit! ^^

@RhysTheFirebird group

Y'ever feel like you write better in excerpts, so now you have a bunch of them sitting around, and you're trying to figure what to do with them and how to string them together into an actual story-
-so you start to consider just writing the entire series as excerpts, but that would get really confusing really fast, so now you're just sitting there like a dorkus because your work process is actually really, really, really unorganized?

Omg- yeah, lol.
I write .most of my stories into my characters bg's, and so when I go to write an actually story with them (besides RP) I struggle to come up with anything good after did 1 of writing the story.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

mind if i drop a summary?

Not at all. Go for it! :)

So. Ummm. Boy, how to start a summary… Genre is fantasy/sci-fi blend? Ish? And maybe, in a perfect world, this would be a trilogy.

Book I

So Angels and Demons have been locked in combat for millennia. Earth has largely only known about this as a result of religion and seemingly random encounters. However, once humanity breaks the light-speed barrier, in a post-WWIII world, they get a visit from aliens. This visit is called Enlightenment, and it welcomes humanity to the galaxy at large. We realize our myths and legends, and a lot of religions, are based in alien encounters. So the fight between angels and demons, good and bad, is just a big intergalactic grudge match.

Over the course of the next several years, Earth joins a side in this war, which we now know is a real, physical war that might swallow our little solar system whole if we don't help protect it.

Enter MC, a guy who joins the newly minted military and goes to space to fight bad aliens on behalf of good aliens. Gets promoted to a spec-ops team that then finds itself at the center of fate-altering situations, and MC winds up with the power in his hands to change the course of the war.
Shenanigans ensue, MC breaks rules and disobeys orders but ultimately ends the war. Bad guys lose, good guys win.

Book II

MC has won the war, but broke laws in the process. Punishment is that MC has to travel, spreading propaganda and ensuring peace. At first, this is fine, because MC believes the propaganda. This is the side he won a war for, after all.
But soon, MC begins to see the holes in the situation. MC becomes dissillusioned, and the last straw is when Love Interest gets in trouble with new government for having a different opinion, and being a certain type of alien. MC leads a mission to rescue Love Interest, and in the process, sparks rebellion. MC and Love Interest wind up accidentally leading said rebellion, which takes us to lots of new planets, to meet more species we heard about but didn't see before.
Hope springs as MC learns more of the truth, and the rebellion continues.

Book III

MC is leading rebellion, but it's not going so well. Love Interest is an equally powerful and important character, and devises a plan to win this civil war. MC helps execute plan, but Love Interest dies, and the plan fails anyway.
Study and introspection follow, for MC to find out that defeating Death and defeating their tyrannical overlords will happen at the same time.
So MC essentially goes on a quest to go toe-to-toe with Death, get back Love Interest, and win the second war, letting the peoples of the galaxy live in peace and self-government.
Ending tbd, but considering having MC and Love Interest just disappear after victory. They become legends and myths in their own right, but we get a glimpse of them living alone, in some beautiful garden world, far away from anything else.

The end? I guess? I'm at 50k words and change at the moment.

@im-with-stoopid pets

mind if i drop a summary?

Not at all. Go for it! :)

So. Ummm. Boy, how to start a summary… Genre is fantasy/sci-fi blend? Ish? And maybe, in a perfect world, this would be a trilogy.

The end? I guess? I'm at 50k words and change at the moment.

Actually sounds really interesting, and I'm not all that into Sci-Fi. Good luck on your writing journey, homie!
If you don't mind me asking, how long have you been working on it?

Deleted user

I have


Because I’m struggling to prepare for the webcomic I want to write in a few years (it’s taking a long ass time because I’m still in school, I’ll start preparations this summer with model sheets, maps, and timelines-)

SOOOOOO, I need advice for writing my first webcomic?

@im-with-stoopid pets

SOOOOOO, I need advice for writing my first webcomic?

Heyo - aspiring artist with negative motivation to draw here! Always wanted to make a comic myself, but never actually got around to it.
I've got some advice some multiple scrapped projects!

  • Make sure you know the entire story before you start drawing! Sounds obvious, yes, but seriously- know exactly what you are and aren't going to focus on. There's no point in drawing every single extravagant room of Lord Examplara's Epic Castle of Awesomeness if the only important scene that takes place there is in the dungeon. Also, story pacing is very much important.
  • Simplify your character designs! Other obvious one. You're going to be drawing these characters over and over again with different angles, poses, expressions, etc. Keep the most important design details, and toss out the excess unless you want to spend about twice as long making sure the characters are on model.
  • Keep conversations interesting! Here's one that people often overlook. In stories it's easy to just have paragraphs of characters talking to each other. In comics, that doesn't work as well. People don't just stand like statues during conversations. They pace, make gestures, have expressions, y'know, people stuff. Poses in dialogue can also show some character personality! Imagine something crazy gets revealed and the whole cast is in shock. Meanwhile Cool McGuy just stands there unfazed. That's character!
  • Don't spend too much time on backgrounds, but don't skimp out on them, either. Don't let your background completely overtake your characters, unless that's the point. Let's say your characters are walking through a village. It would make sense to have the characters be most detailed part of the shot, while the townsfolk in the background aren't as detailed. Now let's say your characters are traveling through a dense jungle. In that case, it would make more sense for the jungle to overtake the characters, to emphasize how overgrown it is.

Those are just a few that I can think of off the top of my head. There's plenty of advice videos for webcomic artists, too. ^^

@im-with-stoopid pets

heheh anyone got advice on how to get back into a project after a 7 month accidental hiatus?

Oof- First I'd ask myself exactly how invested I was in it.
If I was really into it, then I'd try to pick it back up. Y'know, reread some notes, maybe try out some new ideas that I didn't have 7 months ago.
If I wasn't, I'd consider recycling the ideas and using them elsewhere.

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

heheh anyone got advice on how to get back into a project after a 7 month accidental hiatus?

Oof- First I'd ask myself exactly how invested I was in it.
If I was really into it, then I'd try to pick it back up. Y'know, reread some notes, maybe try out some new ideas that I didn't have 7 months ago.
If I wasn't, I'd consider recycling the ideas and using them elsewhere.

oh it's getting published when it's done, my co author and i have been working on it for years.

Deleted user

Those are just a few that I can think of off the top of my head. There's plenty of advice videos for webcomic artists, too. ^^

AHHHHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! This is really helpful ^^

@im-with-stoopid pets

Those are just a few that I can think of off the top of my head. There's plenty of advice videos for webcomic artists, too. ^^

AHHHHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! This is really helpful ^^

No problem! Good luck on your webcomic! :D

Deleted user

Those are just a few that I can think of off the top of my head. There's plenty of advice videos for webcomic artists, too. ^^

AHHHHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! This is really helpful ^^

No problem! Good luck on your webcomic! :D

Thank yuouuuuuuu :D

@spacebluelily language

Hi :D
I write fanfics more often than actual original stories, which my Google docs are a testament to this, but you know, i like writing, even if i keep creating unfinished stories.

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

Hi :D
I write fanfics more often than actual original stories, which my Google docs are a testament to this, but you know, i like writing, even if i keep creating unfinished stories.

literally me lately haha

@im-with-stoopid pets

I'm going to do it! I'm going to write a one-shot!
It's going to take place middle of the main story and not make any sense out of context, but shut up!