Both of you are right lol. And yeah the copy was irritating
Both of you are right lol. And yeah the copy was irritating
Back on topic…..
- Characters who have really weirdly colored hair/eyes in a setting where they shouldn't
- Characters with pets that we don't ever see them taking care of
- Characters who hate school with an irrational passion
- Characters who are in NO extra curriculars. Everyone I know is in some form of extra curricular activity, so Mary Sue should be too
- Sports games that play out like this: 'It was the bottom of the ninth with 2 outs, bases loaded, and we're four runs away from winning. Mary Sue is up and she's never hit the ball in the whole seaso-OH MY GOSH! SHE HIT A GRAND SLAM! WE WON THE CHAMPIONSHIP YAAAAAAY!!!!!'
Okay, for the top one…. my guy was genetically modified so much that the crimson hair is just a side effect of screwing with the genes so much. Is that okay?
Back on topic…..
- Characters who have really weirdly colored hair/eyes in a setting where they shouldn't
- Characters with pets that we don't ever see them taking care of
- Characters who hate school with an irrational passion
- Characters who are in NO extra curriculars. Everyone I know is in some form of extra curricular activity, so Mary Sue should be too
- Sports games that play out like this: 'It was the bottom of the ninth with 2 outs, bases loaded, and we're four runs away from winning. Mary Sue is up and she's never hit the ball in the whole seaso-OH MY GOSH! SHE HIT A GRAND SLAM! WE WON THE CHAMPIONSHIP YAAAAAAY!!!!!'
Okay, for the top one…. my guy was genetically modified so much that the crimson hair is just a side effect of screwing with the genes so much. Is that okay?
If it's in a setting where they have the tech to screw around with genes, they can probably dye hair. I'm talking more like purple eyed-pink haired girls in a medieval setting.
War and Peace is good so far, but dear GOD does it drag….
I kinda want to read it because I’m obsessed with great comet but I know I would not be able to get through it
I want to read Hunchback. But time…
I want to read Hunchback. But time…
Hunchback is full with building descriptions - cut that shit out and ur left with half of the novel
btw, its a pretty sad story
Yeah I know…
Where the main character is asexual (either directly stated or heavily implied) and they meet another character that "cures" them. Tf
what kind of BS is that? >.> ur either ace or not
they meet another character that "cures
Is this actually a thing?
Yeah. I've only seen it once, but I've seen posts of people complaining about it
it's in. a lot of books
the whole "i dont find boys interesting just let me read my poetry" and then five pages later she meets a mysterious stranger and bam
I was reading the kiss quotient and oh boy. It was awful. It had that thing as literally the whole plot, it was not well written at all, it kept flipping viewpoints to the point where it was hard to keep track of, and it made me hella uncomfy
oh boy
what the hell is it about
It's about a girl who wants to get better at sex so she hires this guy to teach her and they fall in love. In hind sight I should have realized I wouldn't like it. Didn't even finish it lol
It's about a girl who wants to get better at sex so she hires this guy to teach her and they fall in love. In hind sight I should have realized I wouldn't like it. Didn't even finish it lol
I'm just….what? I don't even understand…how…why…what?
I think she was made fun of and she froze up every time she had sex. It was very confusing
Yeah but…but still…I don't…I…I AM SPEECHLESS
Wait, I think I've heard of that book. I haven't read it, but if it's the one I'm thinking of, I think the MC (as well as the author) is on the autism spectrum. I feel like that's kind of an important detail? Although, as someone else on the spectrum that premise sounds… dare I say cringey.
Okay, but that still doesn't…she hires someone to teach her how to have sex?? that just sounds fishy to me…….. but idk maybe that's just me…
Sounds like garbage to me
Would not waste my time reading that tbh :0
Wait, I think I've heard of that book. I haven't read it, but if it's the one I'm thinking of, I think the MC (as well as the author) is on the autism spectrum. I feel like that's kind of an important detail?
Although, as someone else on the spectrum that premise sounds… dare I say cringey.
Yeah, I think she was, but…. I feel like I'm still missing something
but…. I feel like I'm still missing something
I'm with you guys that the premise of the story is not that great, but as someone on the autism spectrum I feel like the fact that this character is having a hard time with sex/relationships seems reasonable, and pretty much everything listed above could play into that. Someone who is neurotypical would likely not be having these problems, or if they were, would probably be able to work through them a little easier. Hence, why I say that this character having autism is kind of important. She might not even realize that hiring someone to teach you how to have sex is weird.
I'm not saying I would ever hire someone to teach me how to have sex (or that it's even a good idea), but I guess I do sympathize with this character, and at least can see where she's coming from. Sorry for going off into essay mode like this, but it kind of came across to me that you maybe don't know that much about autism or maybe are a little misinformed (sorry if that's not the case, please refer to bullet point #2).
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