forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Also 4. People don't realize that maintaining relationships takes work, even romantic ones and they think they can just hug and make out all the time and be fine. Again, not saying this about yours in particular, just in general


Deleted user

I'm on top of things and 60 words ahead {lol} but I don't want to write todayyyyyyyy

@Pickles group

It's telling me at this rate I'll finish January 5. It told my friend February 15 because she had 903 for three days and now she's like a hundred short of 2000. I think I might finally be close to half of what I'm supposed to have today

Deleted user

I'm sorry but I feel really proud because I'm right on track with my 5,000… I haven't done today's yet though lol


oh god oh fuck i clicked by accident on can you feel my heart by bmth and that song reminds me of some Bad times with my abusive ex i am. not having a good time

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Screaming loudly I need help identifying areas that I can expand on in the following:

Nadine Quartermain stepped out of her car, brushing her long silky blonde hair out of her face. She breathed in a breath of fresh air, letting it go in a slow, steady exhale. It had been a while since she last stepped foot on this property. Her light yellow blouse billowed in the wind as she ambled up the walkway to the cabin-like farmhouse.

"I'm guessing that you're Nadine," a tall, muscular man with bright orange hair asked. Nadine looked him up and down, taking in his features. His muscles rippled as he threw a bale of hay into a pile.

"I am, and you are?"

"Edward Stein," he said, bending over to grab another hay bale. "Your father hired me as a farmhand while I also take care of him."

"I see…. Wanna help me with my bags?" she asks as she turns back to her car. She opens the trunk, and lifts two suitcases out. Edward sauntered over, and grabbed one of them.

"How long are you planning on staying?"

"I don't know. Probably a few months; just long enough to help my father through this, and make sure that he's alright."

They strolled up onto the porch where Edward opened the door, allowing them to enter the open floor plan house. The living room area was sparsely arranged. Next to it was the kitchen. An elderly man with crisp, gray hair, and paleing blue eyes, the color of the sky, sat in the living room watching TV.

"Mr. Quartermain, your daughter is here. Isn't that great?" Edward calls out enthusiastically.

Mason Quartermain turned in his chair, casting his gaze over his daughter and his caregiver. "Nadine's here?" he asks while struggling to Stan up.

Edward quickly moves over to him, and helps him stand. Nadine sets her suitcase down, and goes to her father, wrapping him in a gentle, but loving hug. Fears of joy deep from the corner of the old man's eyes as he hugs his daughter back.

"Nadine, I thought that you weren't coming until June 10th."

"Today is June 10th, dad," Nadine says gently, pulling out of the hug. She looked at her father, examining the wrinkled features of his face. His hair was shaved down to a slight buzz cut. Lines cries crossed his face, the mole on his cheek now hurried under a small flap of skin.

Edward clasped onto Mason's arm to help balance him as he move to sit back down. Mason indicated the empty chair beside him, heading Nadine to sit next to him. She moved over to him, the heels of her shoes clicking against the scuffed up oak floor. Edward continued to take her luggage upstairs to her room.

"The paper let you come, Nadine."

"They let me work from wherever I want to, dad. Besides, most of what I do is all online. As long as I get my articles typed up and sent out, my boss doesn't mind." Nadine explains, brushing her hair out of her face again. She crosses her legs, stretching the material of her pants.

"You always wanted to be an author, sweetie. Remember that story about the teddy bear that you wrote?"

Nadine gave a small smile, happy that her father remembered something. She let out a small sigh.

"Dad, I have to go unpack; we can talk later," she says, standing up to grab her other bag. She moved out of the living room, and made her way to the stairs. Family. Pictures hung on the wall along the stairs. In one a younger version of herself was seated in her father's lap, her mother with her long light brown hair seated beside them. Nadine smiled, her dimples becoming even more prominent in the process, at the memory.

She continued her path up to her room. Placing her hand on the doorknob, she opened the door to her childhood bedroom. Everything was as she left it. An assortment of cutesy stuffed animals sat on the corner of her bed. Posters of 90s boy bands clung to her light blue wallpaper. The wallpaper itself was decorated with flowers.

Nadine let out a sigh, and thought 'its nice to be home, but did they have to leave my bedroom exactly how I left it?'

She sat down on the end of her bed, and looked at a picture of a golden lab.

Nadine wandered around the store, her emerald eyes wide and bright with excitement. Sge skipped along, happily looking at the myriad assortment of animals. Mason followed closely behind her, watching his daughters pigtails bounce about wildly.

He led her over to the dog and puppy area.

"Remember, we can only pick one pet out, sweety."

"I know, daddy!" she exclaimed while looking at a At. Bernard puppy. The puppy jumped about excitedly, and ran around in circles. Nadine moved on to another display where a litter of pitbulls suckled on their mother. None of them appealed to her.

"Come here, Nadine. I think you'll like these ones."

Nadine walked over to where her father was standing. Golden Labrador retrievers playfully climbed over one another.

@Pickles group

(we were reading our stories in english today and it was SUPER obvious in all of them and I kept correcting it in my mind so I guess that's just a thing I notice now. idk)

@Pickles group

hot diggity fucking damn, boy that's good
idk about expanding but you changed tenses part way through. And then back

Trying to hit the word count.

Mood I keep forgetting what tense I'm supposed to be in and then having to go back and fix a whole page because I won't let myself move on

Deleted user

i am not having a good time, my fingers are bleeding from the guitar, i'm out of breath because my train was delayed an hour so i was late for school, i have a triggering talk today, we are just not having a fun time

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