forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

people_alt 118 followers

Deleted user

Lol yee
Hey so uhhh who wants to join me in a PM about writing stories for shits and giggles and critiquing them?

Ig me?

Deleted user

I've got a story about magical gay bois that only Sy and Ruby have seen but I'm too nervous to put it on public lol

Loving it so far Shuri!

Why was I not added to this? EXCUSE ME I'M HERE FOR THE GAYS!


hahah i hate myself so much rn

Why honey? I see nothing but a beautiful soul when your user pops up

ahah maybe online but i rly just can’t interact in person and i feel like everyone either hates me or doesn’t notice me :(
like literally it feels like everyone acknowledges all of the other people except me and i have too much social anxiety to fix it
i guess i just want someone to actually notice i’m here for once (and also the courage to overcome my fucking anxiety but—)

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