forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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thats all i need, i'm coming with my cricket bats to beat her up

@Katastrophic group

so imma rant cause I can't say this outloud rn

so we have an ex housemate, M, who was a bitch (me and 3 housemates). she drank and slept around and never cleaned. She mooched off everyone and was manipulative, nothing was her fault ever. It got to the point we had location notifications (we shared at the start of the year for safety reasons) so we could go "hide" while she stomped around and put her stuff in the laundry or whatever she did in the five minutes a week she was home. long story short she was the worst type of person and no one liked her, we don't even mention M in this household.

so today I mentioned to my roommate N (which is a normal, happened before interaction), "you get the top rack and I'll do the rest and load it". this is usually how we do dishes when they pile up when the washer runs, cause she likes to hand dry the stuff on top rack and I don't mind loading dirty dishes. She then proceeded to snap at me that she was done cleaning 'for me.' That she and other roommate A (total sweetheart but takes no shit) wanted a meeting about expectations because "they were doing all the cleaning." Now at this point i need to point out that my unofficial chores are the dishes when they're done (and reloading), taking out trash/recycle, and general sweeping when its fall and leaves and stuff get on the floor. N has specifically said she wants to do any mopping, and she does our shared bathroom on a schedule and doesn't let me near the cleaning stuff cause I'd mess it up. Sometimes all of us do 'cleaning parties' and all scrub down the kitchen and living room equally.

I thought I was doing my part, and above my part, because I've cleaned everyone else's dishes and such and try to make sure they don't pile up, generally keep the kitchen area clean, take trash and straighten up the living area (where I rarely spend time myself), etc. Apparently I was wrong and N snapped at me and lectured me on how I don't do enough and how A agrees (which I think is false, A would come out and say if she wanted me to do more because she's a straightforward person rather than wait and rant later). never once has N asked me to do other chores besides a rare cleaning party, which I always readily help. N accused me of leaving my dishes out when I went away for the weekend, despite the supposed pans being things I can't and don't cook. She also compared me to M, saying I was the exact same problem as her before leaving and giving me the silent treatment.

so thats my essay if anyone has advice on dealing with this please i'll take it cause this is a small house and I don't deal well with this sort of social stress


i'm just fucking worn down to nothing at this point…

But your therapist… The thing… Honey things are gonna get better, you absolutely can make it. We believe in you

Deleted user

thats not what i mean, my mental health is finally taking a physical toll on me and i dont know what to do. i can barely stand, i can't eat anything anymore, i cant sleep, and so many other things


thats not what i mean, my mental health is finally taking a physical toll on me and i dont know what to do. i can barely stand, i can't eat anything anymore, i cant sleep, and so many other things

Where are you? Is there something you can eat around? Can you sit down and take a short rest? Try to sleep (I know how hard that can be) or get water?

Deleted user

i'm at school, nothing to eat or drink around, we are on our way to pe so i dont know if we are doing prac or theory (i assume prac) and i'm not sleeping, i refuse to


Okay, I respect that decision, but you need to talk to your therapist about your inability to sleep, Rubes. Maybe there's a solution somewhere, maybe she can help you with everything keeping you up

Deleted user

You refuse to sleep.. oh if only…

yeah… it's a long story aha

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Ngl that's ticked me off a little, but you do you.

okay, sorry about that, would you like to explain why it ticked you off for future reference?

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I just want someone to binge-eat candy and watch horror movies with all Halloween night is that too much to ask

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I'm just super happy cause we never get to nap together or really cuddle cause everything we do has gotta be about sex right?

No. But that's what his parents assume. Ya know?

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