forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Dude that's utter Bullshit. I'd spill yogurt in all their backpacks

good juck getting to their bags, they are all in their lockers aha

I'd find a way, I'm sure, but enough about hypotheticals. You mentiooned guitar?

yes i did mention guitar, what about it?

Well, you seem decent enough at it. But do you have a pic?

i dont use a pic

@saor_illust school

Aha, I'd love to. I mean, I'm ready to ditch the one that died in PMs, and before you rush to apologize, don't. I don't mind, honest! It's okay, I understand.


Where is Belarus?

Eastern Europe, kinda by Russia. A lot of people say if there was a victim of geography, Belarus is a good candidate

My bf’s family is Belarusian and he decided to (completely unprompted) learn Belarusian independently. But the adorable bastard thinks it’s cool to speak it but it’s not, it’s embarrassing. But he’s my bastard and I love him.

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So. I know I asked to rp but then suddenly Life piled shit on me so. Izzie. I'll reply to it tomorrow, and Shuri, i guess a new one would work. Again. All for it tomorrow tho cause i got stuff to do.

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so, one of my guys friends has now found out about my dad… great, fantastic even!


Okay so it’s my most overemotional day of the month and I haven’t cried even once
That probably sounds like a good thing but it’s not, it just means I haven’t been able to release any of the emotion that’s bottled itself up in my brain and now everything’s making me unreasonably frustrated
I need to cry
Someone make me cry
Sad or happy tears will do
And preferably in text form cause YouTube doesn’t work well on my phone


Nothing really, it’s just

So I’m really emotional and need to let it all out in a healthy way before I break something

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Have you ever seen 'How Animals Eat Their Food' and 'Ways to Discipline Your Child" on YouTube? It always makes me laugh!

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don't run 4 laps around your school while triggered, exhausted, without eating and while scared… not a good combination.

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Yall need to watch Harry Potter Puppet pals or cats playing paddy cake if you want a good laugh.

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