forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

people_alt 118 followers

@Cookies group

Why are little kids either so boring or really fun

you forgot the third category- chaotic evil

I see you're a person of culture



@amber_demeter I didn't really have one sorry haha, I was a guest user under the name of Calani

Oh oof okay! Sorry I thought I recognised your name, guess I saw you around before ^^'


@amber_demeter I didn't really have one sorry haha, I was a guest user under the name of Calani

Oh oof okay! Sorry I thought I recognised your name, guess I saw you around before ^^'

hey all g dude! I love your username btw Demeter (the goddess) is my jam tbh

Deleted user

oh yeah, this is my irl friend calani, who is a bitch but i love her anyway <3333333


@amber_demeter I didn't really have one sorry haha, I was a guest user under the name of Calani

Oh oof okay! Sorry I thought I recognised your name, guess I saw you around before ^^'

hey all g dude! I love your username btw Demeter (the goddess) is my jam tbh

I actually gave her that nickname cuz she a goddess

Deleted user

calani, bby, this is what you have gotten yourself into aha <333333

Deleted user

pick a profile picture, it's not that hard, just choose from all you anime picture already darl! aha <3

Deleted user

Dare I ask why?

musical dress rehearsal

Ah right okay, was it fun though at least?

yes it is actually

Deleted user

Jake can't PM cause he don't got an @ thing in his name. -macarena dances to depressive music-

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