forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Pickles group

I was supposed to talk to my creative writing teacher about my short story that's due this Friday and we're not allowed to start until we talk to her but our period ends in one minute and I still haven't gotten to talk to her

@Pickles group

haha yeah. i would have talked to her after class but I had a test the next period and there was someone else talking to her by the time I got over to her desk xD. im just gonna start anyway and talk to her tomorrow. My friend hasn't talked to her either so I'm not alone lol


Hullo!!! I'm really happy cuz I had a pretty crappy day (I'm sick which makes me either hallucinate or rant about how much I suck and makes me want to ball up and cry, plus I was at school, although amber is pretty good at making me feel better, pretty much simply by existing) and my mom just told me I would be seeing my sis soon, cuz she's off to uni in France, and I miss her a shitload


Feeling really shitty right now so I hope that I have a nice big healthy breakdown tonight cause it's been a while and I need it

I'm here for you. If you need someone to talk to.
Love ya Amber, and I hope I can help ya feel happy!

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