forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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hey does anyone know a famous french love song that i could sing to my friend bc i jokingly promised i'd serenade her in french
please help me
all i know abt is au claire de la lune but that's not a love song


XD ok ummmmm you can sing something y Goldman? He’s pretty famous, but a little old fashioned, one of his most famous ones is quand a musique est bonne, and its really upbeat and french 80s but then there’s also balance to quoi by Angèle, whose really known these days. (Balance ton quoi is a really dope feminist song btw)


Also this is random but my mom told me not to eat the last piece of soft delicious warm bread after dinner, but i was feeling rebellious, so im eating it in my room, in the dark, at ten thirty p.m


aha now i want to eat the soft delicious warm bread

I virtually give you my softest most delicious and perfectly warmest (that doesn’t sound right) bread, and also a random big hug. Because im very soft and mushy and all out of anger rn


Are you guys ever in those specific moods? Because it is 7:15 here and I am in a dress with a face mask on when I should be doing a) AP english 5 page essay due tomorrow b) 41 page slideshow notes that were due last friday c)science notebook that is worth at least 20% of my grade d) studying for my midterm because its important but im not doing any of those. Instead im on my bed. Here. Listening to weird Disney Mashups and getting a headache from not wearing my glasses

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