forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Well, I'm honestly more depressed than I have been in a while, and I can't figure out why. Today was a good day. I got a lot done. And yet, here I am. at 12:30 in the morning. Unable to sleep, for no particular reason. Feeling more alone than ever. And wishing that I had someone close by to just talk to in person.
Asking what's wrong would be pointless because I have literally no clue. Asking how to help wouldn't do much good either. This is my life, and I really wish it wasn't. I try really hard to ignore the thoughts, that little voice in my head. But some days it just sounds so tempting to do as it says and just, disappear. That would hurt people though. And I can't stand the thought of hurting others. Even if it's for my own personal gain. Why am I on the verge of tears all the time? Heck if I know! I just am, for no rhyme or reason. If I'm being quite honest, I kind of hate myself right now. I hate the way I look and sound. And I just want to curl up into a corner and cry.

I totally feel you. I've been feeling pretty depressed lately as well, and while I know why, there's really no way to fix it, So that's a big mood If Ever I heard one. Just know that you can always address us if you need anything. Sometimes it gets to the point where you're so damn depressed but you just don't know why, or how. It's incredibly disheartening. I know the feeling of wanting to cry. I know what it's like to realize that, for me, crying isn't enough. That I need to fix things, but I can't yet. I know how it feels, under the ice, Rachel


Well, I'm honestly more depressed than I have been in a while, and I can't figure out why. Today was a good day. I got a lot done. And yet, here I am. at 12:30 in the morning. Unable to sleep, for no particular reason. Feeling more alone than ever. And wishing that I had someone close by to just talk to in person.
Asking what's wrong would be pointless because I have literally no clue. Asking how to help wouldn't do much good either. This is my life, and I really wish it wasn't. I try really hard to ignore the thoughts, that little voice in my head. But some days it just sounds so tempting to do as it says and just, disappear. That would hurt people though. And I can't stand the thought of hurting others. Even if it's for my own personal gain. Why am I on the verge of tears all the time? Heck if I know! I just am, for no rhyme or reason. If I'm being quite honest, I kind of hate myself right now. I hate the way I look and sound. And I just want to curl up into a corner and cry.

And if you ever need it I'll give you a big hug!! I love hugs :)
big hugs

@TeamMezzo group

I'm auditioning for this one orchestra and I'm in another orchestra too so yeah.

ooh nice! is it okay if i pm you occasionally if i remember that you're the one who does orchestra too with exciting orchestra news? cause i need someone that i don't already know from school (because we're not close aaaaaah i wish we were close enough that i could actually talk to them but i caaaaaan't) to talk to about these kinds of things

hello, am also an orchestra child feel free to pm me

@TeamMezzo group

Well, I'm honestly more depressed than I have been in a while, and I can't figure out why. Today was a good day. I got a lot done. And yet, here I am. at 12:30 in the morning. Unable to sleep, for no particular reason. Feeling more alone than ever. And wishing that I had someone close by to just talk to in person.
Asking what's wrong would be pointless because I have literally no clue. Asking how to help wouldn't do much good either. This is my life, and I really wish it wasn't. I try really hard to ignore the thoughts, that little voice in my head. But some days it just sounds so tempting to do as it says and just, disappear. That would hurt people though. And I can't stand the thought of hurting others. Even if it's for my own personal gain. Why am I on the verge of tears all the time? Heck if I know! I just am, for no rhyme or reason. If I'm being quite honest, I kind of hate myself right now. I hate the way I look and sound. And I just want to curl up into a corner and cry.

big hugs unless you don't like hugs i've got you, pms are open if you need them <3

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Ok people….

I have two stories that I had started and abandoned that I actually really want to return to, but don't really know what to do with them…. I remember my basic ideas for them though, and am open to suggestions!

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I have two stories that I had started and abandoned that I actually really want to return to, but don't really know what to do with them…. Though I remember my basic ideas for them, I am open to ideas/suggestions!

@Echo_6 group

Start by picking a character to be your main character, and spend a little time developing them. Put them aside and create other characters. Then you're gonna want your basic plot. And really all you have to do is work your way out from there.


I think you should do what Rachel here says
I'd suggest the same thing
Or start with stuff that you don't like doing as far as creating a story (or simply that you like the least).
Then reward yourself with fun stuff after you complete your objective

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Prologue: A Night of Doom

Ellen walked along the deserted road, enjoying the fresh air that was filling her lungs. She looked up at the vibrant full moon with its splendid glory shining through the thick, dark clouds. In the distance she could see her home perched on top of a hill watching her kingdom as it slept . She thought of her new baby as she walked.

All of a sudden Ellen heard a wolf howl from the woods that were near her. A big, dark black creature with red eyes exit the forest. The creature stopped and stared at her for a while, then it bared its glistening, sharp white teeth and began to growl. Ellen turned to run, but it was too late! The creature jumped at her and tore her to shreds, devouring her as the night witnessed what was happening.

Inside the castle that was on top the hill a man sat in a solid gold throne. The man looked up as three men in gold clad armor entered the room. All three of them had a somber expression on their faces. The first knight had thick, blonde hair, muscle bound arms, and a very monotone voice. The second knight, the twin of the first knight, had very short blonde hair, a goatee, and deep blue eyes. Their names were Tim and Jim. The king was a large, strong person with dark brown hair with a solid gold crown with rubies, sapphires, and diamonds perched on top of his head. He had high cheekbones, dark brown eyes, and a light brown goatee. The king's name is King Duke of Sanford.

"What's wrong?" asked King Duke in a clearly concerned voice. One of the three knights walked closer to the throne. The knight had long, thick muscle bound arms with hands as large as a cannonball, thick black hair, and deep, brown eyes that always seemed to shimmer.

"I am sorry to tell you Sir, that you're queen is dead." King Duke slumped back into his throne.

"Cole, do you know how Queen Ellen died?"

"We think it was a bear due to the fact that the fatal wounds are too large for a wolf to have done it, but we are not completely sure." The three knights left the room. King Duke sat and began to cry, not knowing of how to take care and protect their first born child and daughter, Trista. A few days later King Duke ordered that everyone be back in their homes before sundown.

Chapter One: Daddy Issues

A lone female figure wearing a brown hooded cloak stood at a fruit vendor, looking for what she thought was the perfect orange. She had beautiful dark auburn hair, brown eyes, and blood-red lips. She was standing next to a stranger, who kept looking at her out of the corner of his eye. As she was picking up an orange, she heard a trumpet blow loud from the direction of the palace. At the sound of the trumpet everyone around her started to bow, for the trumpet meant that King Duke was coming in his horse drawn carriage. A strong hand grabbed her shoulder and pulled her down.

“Get down or the King will put you in the dungeons!” said the stranger next to her.

“He won’t put me in the dungeons.” She told the stranger.

“Who has seen my daughter Trista?” King Duke asked as he looked at the crowd. He spotted a person in a brown cloak standing, and started to walk towards that person. Trista saw that he was heading directly for her, and tucked her head to her chest so that he would not be able to see her face.

“Pull your hood down, now.” King Duke ordered her. As Trista pulled down her hood, King Duke got an angry expression on his face. “I thought that I told you that I don’t want you going out of the castle grounds when it is getting dark!” The stranger looked at her in utter disbelief, for he didn’t even suspect the Princess Trista was the person that he ordered to bow.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Shadow Storm


The fog crawled through the town, wrapping it in its arms. Amidst the fog stood a single figure, whose features could not be seen. All that could be made out of the figure was that it apparently wore a shroud, and wielded a long axe. The figure seemed to stand at a height of 6’9”, and had the silhouette of a man. The man and the fog walked through the cold, dark town. The air was silent and still; not a single citizen was out. The windows in the small reddish-brown brick buildings were shuttered and dark.

The man continued to traipse through the town. He paused. As he does the fog stops rolling into the town. The mysterious figure looks around, listening to something that only he could hear. The man shifts his grip on the axes handle, and approaches a dilapidated house with a dark blue door. As a dog would follow it’s master, the brume (another word for fog) follows the man. As the man takes the steps up to the house he yet again readjusts his grip on the axe, and with a mighty swing strikes the door.

The man repeats this process. As the door is now splintered into shards of wood he enters the house. As he infiltrates the building the fog encircles the home. Inside, the man methodically searches from room to room. The air inside the house is full of dust. Webs clutch the edges of the ceiling and walls. Dust hugs whatever it can get a grasp on. As the man walks he disrupts the quiet with squeals from the floor.

Kicking in a door, the man smiles to reveal that he has glistening pointed razor sharp teeth, for he has just found what he came for. Kneeling in the farthest corner of the room sits a woman, huddled with her family as if for warmth.

“Mommy, I'm scared,” says one of her children, a beautiful young girl with raven hair bearing a red stripe down the left. The girl vainly attempts to nuzzle closer than already possible.

“Shh, Delnis, everything is going to be alright,” the young girl's mother said. Like her daughter, the woman had brilliantly bright blue eyes, but had curly dark red hair instead. She looks up at the newcomer. “Don't you dare harm my children!”

The man continues to smile. He raises his axe as if to strike. Dawn pulls her children closer to her. Her son, a dark brown eyed rascal with strikingly white hair, grasps onto Dawn and Delnis.

“Please don't hurt them mister. They're all that I have left; we're all that she has left!”

“Be quiet Delnir!” Dawn demands. With the reflexes of that of a cheetah, the man lunges at the three, grabs Dawn, and pulls her from the grip of her family. Dawn tries valiantly to free herself from the grasp of the man in vain. She had tried to stab the man with a knife that she had concealed on her person. Enraged, the cloaked figure throws Dawn to the ground.

Adjusting his grip on the axe, he swings at Dawn, leaving a deep crimson gash in her porcelain flesh. Her blood oozes from the wound as a fountain. The man swings again, chopping off one of her hands. The more blood that flows, the happier the man becomes. Dawn slips in her own blood. Using this to his advantage, the hooded man swiftly decapitates her.

The children watch in horror as their mother, the strongest person they know, is easily defeated by the hands of this stranger. They weep for her in silent terror and agony as the stranger hacks their beloved mother to bits and pieces, spraying them with her blood with each sickening thwack of his axe.

The man, evidently finished with his deed, goes to grab Dawn’s severed head. As he does this Delnir rises up, and attempts to slice the stranger with the very knife that Dawn had used. The man, out of instinct, waves his arm and forces Delnir to carve a gash into his own face. Once done taking care of the brave, foolish boy, the man retrieves Dawn’s head, and walks out of the room and building. He leaves the once quiet town just as he came, and as he departs the town the mist follows him, enveloping him in it’s cold, damp, shroud.

Back in the house, Delnis carefully goes to her brothers side. She cradles his head in her lap, and uses a torn segment of her own clothing to stop the bleeding. Little does either of them know that losing their mother wasn’t the end of their problems, but only the beginning.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Moons was supposed to be about a killer werewolf on the loose set in Medieval times. Along with an arranged marriage that the princess is against before actually falling in love with her arranged fiance. Turns out lover-boy's long lost twin brother is the killer werewolf and a psychopath to boot…. It was the werewolf that turned him that killed the queen (or a time travel spell used by him.)

Shadow Storm was to be about a in-story urban legend that the twins come to realize is true. That legend has to do with the mysterious man-in-the-fog.

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