forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Ok. The last 3 eighth grade valedictorians have been named Ellie and I’m the only eight grader named Ellie this year and I’m stressing because I’m not a straight A+ student but all my friends are and they are teasing me because they keep saying I won’t be valedictorian and I want to prove them wrong but I’m scared if I try my best, it still won’t be good enough and I feel so useless.

@saor_illust school

Ellie, I'm here to tell you. Don't feel pressured to do anything! If you are feeling pressured by your friends, don't be afraid to tell your friends (kindly, ofc) that you're feeling pressured, and to please stop. And if you try your best, and you don't get it, oh well. You tried your best and that's what counts. And I know for a fact, that ALL of us here will be here for you and will gladly cheer you on.

(silently cheers you on)

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Ellie, Izzy's right…. Just do the best that you can, and be happy with yourself; that's what matters! Like you, I wasn't a straight-A student. In fact, during my 6th-8th grade years I mostly made B's, C's, and even some D's and F's (mostly because I just didn't have the confidence in myself that I could do better….😞). My Freshman and Sophomore years though kinda marked a changing point; instead of getting D's and the dreaded F's, I started getting mostly A's, B's and C's…. This helped me see what I actually knew all along; that I could do it. I wound up surprising myself during my Junior year, and made A-B honor-roll for the first time, but only for one semester (I wasn't even aware of it until I looked at the honor-roll list)! I surprised myself yet again my Senior year by almost making A-B honor-roll the entire school year, but a C tripped me up during the last portion of the school year; irregardless, I was still extremely fucking proud of myself! I had pushed myself past what I considered 'my best', and reached new heights, new limits!

Anyway, the point being (and this goes out to anyone else, no matter the stage in their life) to just try your absolute best. Once you've achieved that, try to push past it, and again after that. Who knows, maybe you might even pleasantly surprise yourself with the results! Good luck my friends!!!

Deleted user

Hey I might not be on for a while my mom is yelling at me again and plans on taking my stuff away again

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Oh, it won't, but I'm stubborn and I sure as hell am not backing down, especially not when this whole thing is about my rights


Honestly props to you Sly.
Ellie, even if you don't make it, it won't be a huge deal. You definitely can try to do your homework and attend classes, have a fresh start, you know?
Mir aww I hope you get to keep your stuff

Deleted user

Ds exist. So do Fs. I got all Fs in sixth grade math. Yep, your girl failed a class once.


Ok. The last 3 eighth grade valedictorians have been named Ellie and I’m the only eight grader named Ellie this year and I’m stressing because I’m not a straight A+ student but all my friends are and they are teasing me because they keep saying I won’t be valedictorian and I want to prove them wrong but I’m scared if I try my best, it still won’t be good enough and I feel so useless.

Just do your best. If you don't make valedictorian, at least you're proud of yourself for working hard. I mean, you should see improvement if you work hard and do your best, meaning that you'll still be proud of yourself. And if your friends are making fun of you for not getting A's, then those people shouldn't be your friends. Your friends should help you instead of telling you that you can't. I mean, I don't know your friends, but they should help you if you need it, and if you need help, I can help you. :)


Guys (and girls), I'm super anxious for the final season of Supernatural, which starts next month! I'm also super depressed that it's the final season……………😭

Me too Sy
I hope it's good

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