forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Don't spell my name like that, ever, I don't care if it was autocorrect.

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I have a few minutes to actually freaking breathe so I'm gonna ask a question

What do you do when your ex girlfriend stares at you for literally an hour straight? Like what the actual heckaroo does that mean?


It means she either hates you, or she really likes you. Lori you have to give us more information than the fact that she was staring. How was she staring at you? How did your relationship end? If you don't want to talk with us about any of these things though, it is okay.

Deleted user

So we were in English class and I glance over at her and she's just staring at me. She didn't really have an expression on her face (but then, she never really has lol). She had her head propped up on the desk and her entire body turned towards me, even though I was across the class. I dunno, I kept glancing over because it felt weird, and she stared at me basically the entire time. She only stopped (momentarily, might I add) whenever the teacher walked past her.
I ended the relationship because it was toxic. And it wasn't a one-sided thing. We both kind of pushed each other, you know? She kept doing things and hanging with others that I didn't want to be associated with. And she would always put me down and make me feel bad. But, she's not the whole problem. Even though I was trying to help her with her addictions, my ways were kinda… not the best way to go around doing it. And sometimes I would just straight up reject her at times, and I know that must've hurt her. But it didn't end there. She started spreading rumors about me and ruining my already crappy reputation. Finally I had enough and she just said she wanted me back.
I said no for obvious reasons and then she dropped out of school. This year, however, she came back and she keeps on trying to talk to me. Which is fine, she's actually really chill. But still, she just stares. Constantly.

Deleted user

Well, I (still) feel bad. Like if she wants to be friends that's ok. Right? Like what if she just wanted to get my attention or something?

Deleted user

Or she was just staring at a random spot and you happened to be there.

Maybe lol. But for the entire hour? And I'm sitting not only behind her row, but across the whole room?

Deleted user

Hell, I'll just talk to her later. What's the harm in doing that?

Thanks, y'all


The situation with your mother is getting really serious, who knows what it could turn into, I ordered you to tell as many people as you can about what she does, or even get some proof of it and take it to the school.

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