forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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I need to try to find something cute to wear today… I'm having a photoshoot but idk what to wearrrr

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How about a dress? Easiest to put on when wearing crutches I would think.

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1) Hollow. I have a personal rule. Treat nature well, and it will treat you well. Save whatever small creatures you see on the sidewalk, if you see only one type of flower don't pick it. Leave it there. And nature will in turn will be kind. Listen to your prayers for rain more. Give you your favorite type of weather on your birthday(which is happening today yay)

2) Nutella. -throws Jake at you- YEET!


I’m not gonna do it obviously because I have too much stuff on here and am practically addicted to this site but I have a really really strong urge to delete my account

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I FEEL ELLA! Also I threw you Jake cause your the most artsy friend I know on here, suck it up buttercup.


1) Hollow. I have a personal rule. Treat nature well, and it will treat you well. Save whatever small creatures you see on the sidewalk, if you see only one type of flower don't pick it. Leave it there. And nature will in turn will be kind. Listen to your prayers for rain more. Give you your favorite type of weather on your birthday(which is happening today yay)

that's really valid
since i've started going out more and being less afraid of bugs and stuff i feel like it's starting to notice me back
i was sitting at the edge of a lake and a bunch of ducks came and sat really close to me and just started preening themselves and then left it was. great
i try rlly hard not to hurt anything when i forage but im not sure how to do it with moss. i just take a really small piece and then thank it

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1) Hollow. I have a personal rule. Treat nature well, and it will treat you well. Save whatever small creatures you see on the sidewalk, if you see only one type of flower don't pick it. Leave it there. And nature will in turn will be kind. Listen to your prayers for rain more. Give you your favorite type of weather on your birthday(which is happening today yay)

that's really valid
since i've started going out more and being less afraid of bugs and stuff i feel like it's starting to notice me back
i was sitting at the edge of a lake and a bunch of ducks came and sat really close to me and just started preening themselves and then left it was. great
i try rlly hard not to hurt anything when i forage but im not sure how to do it with moss. i just take a really small piece and then thank it

That's really good. I always send a prayer of thanks for anything I find, I save cicada's and worms and even spiders. Hell I've even picked up a cockroach and put it in the grass. And in turn a breeze came along cause it was a super hot day out. The small stuff really matters in today's world. Especially cause in 12 years if the people today don't change their ways, the earth is gonna die anyways.

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Guys, gals, and genderqueer pals, today is officially my last day of summer and I am Big Sad™

Mine too!!

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I GOT A FRIGGIN CAT HOODIE! IT HAS A NAPPING KITTY ON IT AND CAT EARS ON THE HOOD! And the Big Bang Theory Trivia Game. Annnd…a giant pool flamingo. And some earbuds, and some soap, and a 16 year old girls book to survival(which i am setting on fire as soon as possible) And my phone got ordered late so it'll be here on like my actual birthday, if not this coming weekend. Oh and a shirt that says "National Sarcasm Society." Which below it says "Like we need your support". Cool ass birthday!

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