forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Am I hungry or is it just cramps: The neverending saga


I feel so bad cause I just walked out of the room without saying anything. I have no idea what she's doing right now. I'm just sitting blasting my angst musical and I have zero idea what to do


Oh, no! Tell us the whole story.

Well you know how I just did a sort-of-therapy weekend? As one of the assignments we had to write a letter to one of our parents and I wrote one to my dad that was about how I'd come out to him. I didn't let anyone read it, though, but my mom was sorting through some of my things and she fucking read it

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Well I'm about to murder someone then dislocate their arms and crush their kneecaps.

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Try "I'm upset that you looked through my things, I was waiting for a better moment to tell you about this." Maybe??


So wait a while.
Wait til' you're ready.
Do you have a friend you can stay with?

I can't do that to her

Then we will keep you company while you wait things out

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