forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Your blood sugar was probably low and when you ate it spiked, causing your body to go into hyper-drive. Its normal. :) Just focus on relaxing each muscle in your body and take deep breaths. The extra oxygen in your blood will help you even out.

Deleted user

But this has never happened before. I ate breakfast. Didn't eat anything super sugary.

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I love that we have an actual medical expert here it's so helpful

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Blood sugar doesn't exactly mean sugar per se. It's more that your body was lacking in nutrients so when you gave it some it went "OH MY GOD. EXCITE."

Your levels fluctuate during the day so even if you had breakfast your levels could have sunken low.
Like I said, it's really normal. :)

Deleted user

Weird. but then why has this never happened before? (ignore my history of 2 years of starving myself because hey, depression)

Deleted user

It probably has. You've just never paid attention. Usually when you're randomly hyper/ slap happy this is the cause.


I’m at the doctor and I have to get surgery in November! Yay. But I will be able to walk normally afterwards except for the cast for 6 weeks on both legs and then 6 weeks of leg braces…

Deleted user

Oh, as someone who's had a knee brace for nearly two years: It's fine
And surgery is actually fun!

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They had to drill my bone, if it makes you feel better!

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Hi yes today has been such a good day I avoided this chat I'm sorry I feel bad but today is just. Good. Despite the ADHD attack. I'm missing a few assignments but i'm working on those and today is just…GOOD. Boyfriends a little sad cause he wont get to talk to me till tomorrow, but its my parents fault. So ye.

Deleted user

So. time to help. MIRI! Drink something okay? I promise you. It's good for your health.

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