forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

people_alt 117 followers

@Pickles group

Somebody acknowledge my homemade meme

I feel like it should be more of a band aid and a broken arm, but I appreciate it nonetheless

Deleted user

Somebody acknowledge my homemade meme

I feel like it should be more of a band aid and a broken arm, but I appreciate it nonetheless

True lol {and thank you!}


i cant breahte julian said he cant come to canada that it's too hard that he cant do it that his family's gonna hpld him back and then he left and i dont know what to do what do i do what todrfeftbjsdrtnw46jf srgdvni

okay i clmed down but i look Terrible


I'm having three cavities filled tomorrow. I'm a germaphobe with a terrible fear of needles and people touching me, and come to think of it I just really hate being touched most of the time, and I am most likely going to be lying there for an hour with strangers' hands in my mouth wanting to fling myself into the sun. So yeah. Hopefully I can get a smoothie afterwards.


I was thinking about bringing my headphones and listening to music (they let you do that apparently), but then I realized anything I listen to is forever going to be ruined for me. I'll probably either listen off my mom's phone or just pick an album I've listened to so voraciously I'm not going to permanently associate it with drills, rubber gloves, and panic.

Deleted user

Ooh I forgot to tell y'all
My mom told me I'm not allowed to express being upset

Deleted user

Ooh I forgot to tell y'all
My mom told me I'm not allowed to express being upset



I just kinda feel like my opinion doesn’t matter anywhere and when I’m happy people ask what’s wrong with me but can’t I just be happy because I feel like it, or do people have to question everything I do, because I hide my emotions. Or when I’m sad,,why do people wonder why I’m not being tough and to suck it up because people are going through worse shit and I’m like, I know, but just because I don’t show my emotions because I’m afraid to get hurt doesn’t mean I don’t have emotions, right? Just because people don’t know what I’m dealing with doesn’t mean I’m not dealing with stuff, right? Or do I have to tell people and just laugh it off when they criticize me for it. Am I not good enough the way I am?

@Echo_6 group

Oh I so understand how that feels. And it sucks. Just remember, you are allowed to not be okay sometimes. You're allowed to be happy, and you're allowed to be angry. Everyone is allowed to feel emotions and no one should have the right to tell you not to feel them. If you need to talk to someone and let everything out I'm always willing to talk. And quite honestly I'll even cry, laugh or scream with you. I'm odd like that, but that's okay.

@saor_illust school

No Ellie, you are awesome and amazing just the way you are. And honestly the phrase "What's wrong?" is overrated, I feel you. It requires those who are asked to fumble in their heads for a "valid" reason, and it frustrates them when they can't and they feel like how they feel doesn't matter anymore, because they don't have a "valid" reason. And yes, Ellie, you can be happy just because you feel like it, and bottling emotions up isn't necessarily good for you, but, it is your life, and if so you choose to do so, then okay, I can't do anything, but I recommend you don't bottle up emotions or hide them. And when you're sad, "being tough and sucking it up" is what I would call hiding/bottling up emotions. Just because people have been through worse and traumatizing situations, doesn't mean it feels like that at the moment for you. If you're afraid to get hurt, you're not alone. I would rather not get hurt either, and we all have emotions.

I would tell you it's going to get better, but I don't know that, but if given the opportunity I would get a plane ticket and fly all the way out to see you just to give you a hug or make you feel better.

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