forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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I don't fricking care.
You don't understand.
I just told two of my real life friends I want to die and I'm really thinking about it, and both just said "okay" and left.

@Echo_6 group

@Moon-child I can't tell you that it's alright. Because that's not always true. And this is going to sound really, really harsh, but please listen. You did something stupid. That doesn't give you an excuse to roll over and give up. Giving up is not an answer. It is a choice. You have to either choose to pick yourself up and keep going or you wont get anywhere. And I'm sorry if this sounds like I don't like you or I don't care. I'm sorry, but I will hold people accountable, but I won't leave them. If you need help, let me help you back up. If you start falling backwards we'll catch you and grab you and pull you back to your feet. But you have to let us.

@TeamMezzo group

i don't really know you but from what i do know? you're a KICKASS. and i want to get to know you better. so, maybe, keep going so we can get to know each other. i'm sure there are plenty of assholes you know, and they don't deserve you. you deserve better. so, if you ever want to, i wanna get to know you, maybe even call you a friend. please keep going.

Deleted user

They were never your friends, Miriam

I know and that's just another reason

Deleted user

Well whoever does is telling me I have pills and I know I can take them all right now and escape

Deleted user

And then what? It's the whole same routine tomorrow, and the next day, and the next, forever. I can't get away.


We'll be there every time. Give yourself some time, please. You feel like shit right now but one day you'll be so relieved and proud to have gotten through

Deleted user

I doubt it. It's been three years since the first time and I've never been proud. Mostly I just wish I'd already done it.

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