forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

people_alt 117 followers

@Pickles group

im really thirsty also guinea pigs dont squeak. not really. i don't know what to call it but squeaking is something else. thats my vent and im totally GQ

Deleted user

Okay, so as y'all know, I'm on crutches from my knee surgery. Weeeeeeeeell, this knee injury has gone on for a while now {all of this past school year}, and I wasn't faking and still am not, but a lot of people think I do. I was excited to have surgery over the summer and heal and leave it all behind me for this school year, but guess what?

I'm still gonna be on crutches and in a giant brace when the year starts.

It's really bothering me. I don't think I'll be able to handle this again.


Okay, so as y'all know, I'm on crutches from my knee surgery. Weeeeeeeeell, this knee injury has gone on for a while now {all of this past school year}, and I wasn't faking and still am not, but a lot of people think I do. I was excited to have surgery over the summer and heal and leave it all behind me for this school year, but guess what?

I'm still gonna be on crutches and in a giant brace when the year starts.

It's really bothering me. I don't think I'll be able to handle this again.

Just take pics of you in the hospital with crutches and your brace

Deleted user

I have photos posted online
If my mom didn't make this whole thing about her, this wouldn't even be a problem, but anywho

@Echo_6 group

@Moon-child that sucks. And I kind of understand how it feels to be judged by everyone for something you can't control. What I want you to do, is work hard. Work hard to heal, and keep your grades. Study hard and if you ever need help with anything I and others are always willing to help with whatever we can. People are jerks especially if they don't understand and think that you should be fine. Just remember that you are amazing and they don't know just how amazing you can be. Let them make their rude comments and be jerks. They don't know what they're missing out on by not being your friend. Now I say that, but I don't even really know you, I'm just some teen with no life. But I'm always willing to listen and I will stand by the people that need standing by. That includes you. You're gonna make it through this year a star. I believe in you.


Finally figured out why i have a 29… THE BITCH DIDNT PUT MY GRADES IN (id still be failing but anything is better than a 29 tbh)

This is the spirit of the American education system. I'm sorry you guys have to go to Hell


Does anyone else have this problem where you keep putting in time and effort to type messages, make jokes, write vents, create new threads, work on public characters, ask questions, etc, but then end up overthinking things and deleting all of it out of pure fear that you’ll say something wrong or hurt someone without even knowing it, resulting in more of the people you look up to judging you, hating you, or even giving up on you completely until eventually, you’re back to being the most hated, unlovable human on the site, so to avoid the possibility of your friends turning on you, you bottle things up, take on most of your problems yourself, avoid asking questions, keep all your writing private or even pretend it doesn’t exist, and then not end up learning anything because you don’t allow yourself to make mistakes, which just makes your fear worse because you feel like too much of an uneducated idiot to know what to say/not to say, and you just keep spiraling further and further until you’re completely terrified of speaking?

…Just wondering


Yes, I think we all have that problem, but listen: notebook is one of the safest platforms and we will not judge you. We love you so much Ella, and if anyone does judge you badly and makes you feel anything like what you just described I will personally make sure you get an apology and that they feel bad okay?? Never be scared to ask questions, say some things wrong for the sake of learning not to say them again. We all do it, and we all become better people because of it. And if you're as amazing now, I can only imagine what you'll be like when you start allowing yourself to learn and become even better


I do Ella.
I do.
But you know what?
I do things anyway because I don't submit myself to the expectations of others. Ella you are beyond important in all your ways.
The chats you have made, including this site, are cornerstones of the forums.
Just like you.
And your writing could use work but you'll only improve if you put it out there.
I believe in you.


So keep putting yourself out there. Shoot for the stars Ella. Anyone who makes you feel that way will personally face our wrath my hun.
Ella imo you're approaching sainthood. You are beautiful, and so is everything you do.
Failure or success.

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