forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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I can't sleep during the day. Also I booped, not hugged you. Dork.

@Pickles group

Again I am not your child…-grumbles but hugs and then cuddles- I am a tired bean.

It's cute that you thought you had a choice.

Deleted user

Okay pickles, hush. Birb, hush. Caustic your now Frosty.

Deleted user

Okay pickles, hush. Birb, hush. Caustic your now Frosty.

I wanna be a birb i have two they're my childs

Deleted user

Hey rain. We are a community here, let it all out honey. We're here for you to listen and give advice if you want it.



ok so, i'm just very stressed and tired and d o n e with everything
my mom, just left, to go on a date???? they're going for dinner and a movie and i just-
dad only just d i e d last month, and she can't bring herself to get rid of his stuff, so why is she going on a d a t e of all things???? i don't understand.
not only that, but she's back to neglecting us, just like she did when i was little and i'm kinda really pissed about it, bc i thought she was doing better finally
and then whenever my older brother tries to confront her about any of it, she denies everything and pretends she's not doing anything
but we know she's been talking to guys for a while now, and it kinda really hurts that she won't at least tell us. the only reason we know is bc she's not good at hiding it.
and idk, i just don't want to deal with life.
i could really use any sort of advice at this point, bc what am i supposed do???

Deleted user

…-offers rain hugs, and cuddles, and tea, and movies, and my house to live at-


Wow, that's gotta be painful. Well, number one, I'm so sorry about your dad. And honestly I think that if she cared about him like she should (not saying she didn't care at all) then she would wait. And she would also tell you and your brother, because she knows how much this must be hurting you and a great mother wouldn't add to that pain on purpose. That being said, there isn't really much you can do except tell her how you feel. But maybe you could text her or write a letter instead, so you can get your feelings out better, and no yelling or confrontation would be involved. Also, an outlet really helps when you're going through a tough situation like that.


1, for the offer of care, bc just thank you that makes me feel a lil bit better
2, for the advice, cuz the letter idea is a really good one, i like that !
i just, i'm at a point where i'm not sure what i should do
bc my older brother doesn't live here now since he's 18, so i'm basically left to look after my little brother and it's stressing me out you know?


No problem! And yeah, i think i understand what you mean. I'm going through a scary situation with my parents rn and my sister is 19, so she's old enough to choose where she wants to be. So, it can be really scary when it feels like you're gonna have to deal with this stuff by yourself.


I can also give advice and help with your little bro if you need. Just PM me Rainy.
And I agree with Periwinkle on that one my guy. I really hope your mum comes around and you can always, always come to us my child


i would add on but i have nothing to contribute so i'm just gonna say i'm here if you need me rainy <3 <3 <3

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I agree with Flit and all those who have nothing to say. I am usually good at helping but…yeah.

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