forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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It's pretty easy to cut meat out of your diet if you just remember that every bite you take is a skinned, murdered, dead innocent animal that probably thought it was just taking a nice walk when it was lead to the slaughter house

Deleted user

Ah yes, how I like my meat. fresh and innocent and blindly stupid. I don't mean to be rude, I'm just making fun of myself.

Deleted user

I WAN CHICKEN NUGGET. Hey I feel stupid for asking this, how does one change the size of their text on here?


Hey I feel stupid for asking this, how does one change the size of their text on here?

(quote this to see how)

You can add < sub > but without the spaces for smaller text

< sup > for smaller text that's slightly up

And there are multiple ways to create







Ellie if you can't eat vegetables you're either gonna get really sick or die so i suggest you start even though you don't like them lol

Deleted user

Someone PM me with the help for text sizes. and yes it does Peri -displays to my depression-

@GameMaster group

Well see I eat all my veggies and I still have depression so would you please explain.

I'm joking.

It's like the time I went to the dentist and I was terrified bc i hadn't brushed me teeth in like six months but they said that my brushing was perfect. **Confusion**

@Mojack group

And I’m over here with my billions of dental problems and missing adult teeth (only four of them, but still)

I have yet to get dental surgery to remove tooth shards, plus I need implants to replace the missing teeth and finally braces. Boy I really got lucky with my teeth didn’t I

Deleted user

I brush my teeth but never floss {only because flossing with braces is h e l l} and they still always tell me my flossing is good lol

Deleted user

Again I am not your child…-grumbles but hugs and then cuddles- I am a tired bean.

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