forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Ellie stays the same, tho I might call her El for short. Again depends on what I type out.

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Oh well now your either Miri or Mooney, whichever I feel like typing out.

Works for me lol! I do also go by May if you're feeling like typing something especially short!

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…if she's the loon, whose the tune? (Cause ya know…looney tunes?)

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oof the gif didn't load for me cause it haaaates me yay.

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Ah. Sounds pretty good. See I could be vegetarian if I didn't like ramen, or things in barbeque. But I mostly eat veggies.


I thought that was Trix cereal and then I went WAIT. I had ramen for lunch. Like the diet of a 5 year old or a broke college student even though im 13 and attending private school.

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El I will never not eat like a college student. Like legit for lunch yesterday I ate like half a bag of dry cereal.

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I've eaten microwave smores every day for the past week


That is my life. My diet consists of cheese pizza, ramen, chips and cereal. I forgot to mention that my lunch had a healthy side of Fruit Loops.

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