forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Somebody tell me to get started on moving every single thing I own out of my room


Hey, do y’all know where @altogether_quite_impossible_to_describe went? I had an RP with her somewhere but idk what happened and I can’t find it

i think she's @amber_the_loon now!

oh rlly? Well in that case I know where the rp is lol we've continued it. thanks ya'll

Deleted user

hey guys, if you give me a prompt(it can be a single word or a whole thing) and i'll write a poem. I am bored and need to write more.

Deleted user

I have a really good but sad love song stuck in my head. and so now i'm sad.

Deleted user

Dunno. It's a fantastic song, it just reminds me of my ex and…after we broke up well he kinda messed me up pretty bad. 2 years we were together, broke up with me the day I was going to give him a promise ring. So it hurts.


Dunno. It's a fantastic song, it just reminds me of my ex and…after we broke up well he kinda messed me up pretty bad. 2 years we were together, broke up with me the day I was going to give him a promise ring. So it hurts.

That sucks man. I totally get the feel. But you seem like a strong guy, I'm willing to bet you can get through it Evs. I'm here if you need. You can always vent, rant, or talk with me buddy boy

Deleted user

Thanks ma dudes. I can't remember the name, I'd suggest looking it up. Hold on…Regina Spektor, Braille. I force Regina on everyone, she's my favorite singer -blush-

Deleted user

No probs ma homos. AHCK SONG GET OUT OF MY HEAD…time to blast my Gay Playlist until it goes away, yay.

@TeamMezzo group

we made it through today with only four panic attacks and a half-mental breakdown! i'm honestly kinda surprised, we did pretty well imo for a traumaversary, we have two and the other one was HELLISH so this wasn't too too bad

Deleted user

oh gods okay ignore my mental breakdown which is starting, you need a hug. and cuddles. and some tea, or coffee, or hot cocoa.

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