forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Deleted user

Okay. I'm here to talk to anyone and with anyone, as long as they can help with me. I AM A FRIENDO! I also really just want hugs RN.

Deleted user

Hush. I am a lonely sad boyo who just remembers he has chores. That I don't want to do.

Deleted user

Thank you…I love Parakeets by the way. So pretty…anyways so do you guys ever just decide to not eat for the rest of your life? Because I just did. I don't need food I have roleplay and depression.

Deleted user

Oh hi fren. Also,update. I am hungry for cuddles…I am a gay alone boyo ahck.

Deleted user

AYYY! -fist bumps parakeet- I'm stealing your birb. He's my boyfriend now.

Deleted user

Also I gotta go weed whack so ima brb. Trans gay boyo, OUT.

Deleted user

Ah shit…sorry my sister stole my phone so ignore the bird stealing. It's a joke she's…crazy. I was changing into jeans to go do chores. Sorry about that.

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