forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

people_alt 117 followers


Hey, do y’all know where @altogether_quite_impossible_to_describe went? I had an RP with her somewhere but idk what happened and I can’t find it

i think she's @amber_the_loon now!

Deleted user

Hey y'all
So this week I've been mega off. I haven't been able to shake it and this is what I usually do, like, I'll be fine for a month and then I'll hate myself for a week and it's not usually this bad.

Deleted user

Sorry about that but i was hoping maybe someone could help cuz my bf disappeared(as in he isn't responding to my texts) and i honesty don't know what to do sorry for complaining..

Deleted user

Hey we're here to help. Any mentions of him wanting to disappear or anything? Any idea where he could have gone to? Also maybe his phone broke.

@GameMaster group

I got that reference, if we're talking Supernatural here. (Brain is tired cause insomnia so I apologize if I'm wrong)

I believe the quote is

Deleted user

Yeah his phone is weird. It makes it so he can't receive messages sometimes

Deleted user

YES THANK YOU! My tired brain thanks you. Anyways see it could be that. maybe he dropped it and is waiting to get a new one

Deleted user

Yes. I turned off my phone and let it charge but I lay there dreaming up storyline for some of my rps mostly.

Deleted user

Oof it's raining here in Nebraska. No I don't wanna trade, I love the rain.

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