forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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I DONT KNOW BUT I WAS SO EXCITED! I even called my mother to tell her, it was hilarious

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lmao I know right?
She told me to stop calling her so late at night


I can’t sleep at night because of monsters that exist only in my imagination and I’m absolutely terrified of them and I don’t know what to do because people tell me that I’m being childish and there is nothing to be scared of because it’s all in my mind. Ok goodbye.


For every monster there’s an angel. (Dies of cheesiness.) But really. Focus on the positive, because both exist and your perspective is all due to which one your mind focuses on. And perspective changes everything.


Oh my gods I honestly feel you I have had panic attacks because I'm scared of being scared. Like. E X C U S E M E B R A I N W H A T T H E F U C K

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@EllieGrace-is-angsty? Use your internal energy to kick the monsters out. Just, in your mind, say "You are not welcome in my home." and kind of imagine yeeting them to Neptune.
If that doesn't work, imagine your soul as a ball of light. And just kinda manipulate that, making your soul grow bigger and bigger until the monsters are afraid of your soul and run away
(^^^Those are techniques I use when I'm paranoid)
Or just pull some wacky zappy stuff and get a nerf gun. Arm yourself. And if anything moves, shoot it. No way in h e c k will they come near you.
I don't know if any of these will help, but I hope they do!


Okay, this is something that I struggle with A LOT. LIKE A LOT. What works best for me is to repeat a mantra in myhead, usually something simple, along the lines of: "It's going to be okay, you're going to get through this," and breathing in time to that, as slowly as possible. Try to visualize the place where you most want to be, whether that's way up in the mountains or in a sleepy little cottage. Try to imagine every little detail. During the school year, I like to think about what's going to happen the next day, so I'll think, "ok, tomorrow, I'm going to get up, go to school, I'll go to first period, and it's going to be boring, but the sun will be up and I'll be surrounded by people, so I'll be fine," and continue on like that. Hopefully this can help you in some small way? <3

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Internally scream. Just scream and scream and scream until your mind has calmed down.

Or! If you have any protective stones or anything like those (i can help identify them in case if you're wondering-), hold on tight to one of those. They may not seem like much for a non-moving lump buT? Ooo, they do a good job of protecting things.

OR BETTER YET! Watch some memes uwu

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@Emmylove-is-Hecking-BACKKKKKKK is probably the one you wanna listen to though XD she makes more sense

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@Trix joke's on you I don't have work tomorrow. plus it's only 10:30 where I am


Trix. I don't sleep. Who the frick needs sleep when you have a Trix?
I swear to god I think the oxygen in my house has turned to evaporated alcohol.


@Trix joke's on you I don't have work tomorrow. plus it's only 10:30 where I am

Joke’s on you work shouldn’t be the prime factor of your sleeping cycle. And I can read your user

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Joke’s on you work shouldn’t be the prime factor of your sleeping cycle. And I can read your user

Joke's on you, it already is which is why I take naps throughout the day. (but while i don't have to work tomorrow, i do have to work tonight QwQ) sO?

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