forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

people_alt 117 followers

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Nope, can't, won't. Love you too much.
What's up, El? Vent.


Oh, not much, I was actually just writing a little happy vent about how I feel really proud of something I've created for once. I have a singing synthesizer program that I like to cover songs with, just for fun, but I hadn't used it in a while, so I decided to work on a project I had originally abandoned back in December for being "way too difficult".
I had just finished picking out the harmony notes and editing the voice to sound somewhat natural. I was a long process, took a couple hours, but it felt so worth it… like the cover actually sounded really good and I was extremely happy-

Until I pressed the "play from the beginning" button to hear the project, and the whole thing crashed without saving.

…As I said before, if someone could just stab me right about now, that would be nice

@saor_illust school

Oof that sucks, I feel you. That kind of thing happened to me once, but with an art project that I was decently proud of. (Back then I thought all my art completely and utterly sucked, ok?) I guess I don't know what else to say, but just remember to save as often as you can. That's my thing now.


I can't wait to graduate, but sadly I am a junior and still have this year and my senior year. I also am in awe about how much control I have over my life. Right now, I could chop off my hair, delete all of my social media (This included), drop out of high school, burn all of my writing and start working out more. Is it weird that I have the urge to just delete my account on here with all of my work on here?

@Pickles group

There was this form I was supposed to fill out by August 1st and I forgot to do it until just now and my mom's upset about a decision I made about it and it's too late now and I don't what to do

@Pickles group

It was a Google form about CCP which is a thing where you can take college classes and get high school credit and I was going to do ccp but I decided not to because there were no classes I could or wanted to take and my mom's pissed that we didn't "talk about it" but it's my decision and we did talk about it. When it gave me a panic attack trying to figure out what to do when I went to schedule classes originally. Sorry, "tantrum".


OH MY GODS I cannot STAND it when I'm feeling overwhelmed so my decides that the best thing to do is yell at me about it. Like, sure, dad, that'll make me feel better. The best cure for feeling sick and panicking is MORE PANIC-INDUCING BEHAVIOR. Scientifically Proven™.

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