forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

people_alt 117 followers


silently misses the good ol’ days of theater camp
darn you six screaming siblings and your ability to make it way too difficult for anyone in this family to do anything


I may or may not have done something stupid, like really stupid and I feel really bad about it so I'm going to vent here, because you wont know who I'm talking about so you will have no bias one way or the other.

I abandoned my best friend of 7 years, I've been friends with her for so long I can't really remember what life was like before her. well we we're already drifting apart, we had very little in common and I had a different group of people I liked to hang out with because they were fun to talk to and we had things in common. So instead of explaining this to said friend I just didn't shoe up to lunch any more, sure i would pop in and say hi for a few minutes but then I would leave. I should have know how hard this would be for her, her whole life she's had people do this to her, that one of the reasons we got so close, because I was one of the few people who didn't just leave her alone, But I did, I had her trust, and I broke it completely, I left her to fend for her self, she's a socially awkward extremely anxious, very depressed person I knew this would do bad things to her mentally but I didn't think And i just left her out of nowhere. I feel really bad about it, I don't think I can fix it, She's not one to forgive for old times sake, I just lost a friend I thought I would have forever all because I didn't stop to think about anyone but my self.

That's all thank you for listening

@Echo_6 group

Okay, that's step one. Step two is being there for her, even if she tries to push you away. She will most likely try to push you away. Not because she doesn't want to be friends with you anymore, but because she wants to be friends. She's going to see how strong your resolve is to be friends with her. So you'll probably want to prepare for push back from her. And if there is anything else I can do to help please let me know. I'm always willing to listen.

@Echo_6 group

It's happens, trust me, I've had a similar thing happen to me. This is something that can be fixed, but you're going to have to actually put the work in to fix it.


And I want to fix it, I want to fix it so badly, because she deserves the world, She deserves everything I can give and more, I will do what ever I can to fix it.

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May I interrupt to complain to Lori about the video she made me watch

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I have to see my dad today for the first time since I got a pixie cut, and he has made it clear he hates the idea of it, so there's that.
All the men in my family are like, "women need lOnG hAiR." Like, my grandpa too. And I was this close to saying, "Grandpa, it's not 1960 anymore, not every girl wants long hair."


Meanwhile, my great grandma would always ask me about when I was going to get a haircut because to her, anything longer than a bob cut was too much hair


I may or may not have done something stupid, like really stupid and I feel really bad about it so I'm going to vent here, because you wont know who I'm talking about so you will have no bias one way or the other.

I abandoned my best friend of 7 years, I've been friends with her for so long I can't really remember what life was like before her. well we we're already drifting apart, we had very little in common and I had a different group of people I liked to hang out with because they were fun to talk to and we had things in common. So instead of explaining this to said friend I just didn't shoe up to lunch any more, sure i would pop in and say hi for a few minutes but then I would leave. I should have know how hard this would be for her, her whole life she's had people do this to her, that one of the reasons we got so close, because I was one of the few people who didn't just leave her alone, But I did, I had her trust, and I broke it completely, I left her to fend for her self, she's a socially awkward extremely anxious, very depressed person I knew this would do bad things to her mentally but I didn't think And i just left her out of nowhere. I feel really bad about it, I don't think I can fix it, She's not one to forgive for old times sake, I just lost a friend I thought I would have forever all because I didn't stop to think about anyone but my self.

That's all thank you for listening

Umm. That’s kind of exactly what’s going on in my life. Except I’m the best friend. And I’ve been left to fend for myself. It doesn’t feel good. So yeah.


Hey, @Relsey, yeah you made a mistake. But I have a feelong it wasn't on purpose. And just because you made a mistake isn't an excuse to give up on her. Keep trying to be her friend. Demon Warrior has given some good advice.

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Guess whose dad just told them they're his least favorite childddddd

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Hey @Angsty_Teen? I'd like to have a word with your father.

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