forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

people_alt 117 followers

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Wait Cas is another Alter?

we're talkin bout me?
i'm cas ig i'm an alter i'm a persecutor and uh idfk what else to say

Hey Cas, I'm Reed, it's cool to meet cha!


Okay so… I’m not going to be doing great for a day or two
I’m going to a funeral tomorrow for one of my uncles. I didn’t know him very well having only ever seen him twice, but from what I remember, he truly was an amazing person and even if I didn’t know him, funerals kind of have this ability to tear me apart from the inside and turn me into an emotional wreck for a few days, so… yeah
that’s happening
Plus I have to get up super early, like two hours earlier than usual, which probably won’t help

Not to mention I’ve already been feeling really invalid and kind of lost lately so that won’t help either

In other words I’m probably going to be an absolute mess for a few days so I’m kind of apologizing in advance-


Hey @amber_ I know I’m late but my PMs are always open even for what may seem like the tiniest rants.
Ella you don’t have to apologize for not being your normally positive self! Funerals wreck people and it’s totally understandable ^~^ Being yourself is enough, even if you feel like an unstable mess from time to time.


Hey @amber_ I know I’m late but my PMs are always open even for what may seem like the tiniest rants.
Ella you don’t have to apologize for not being your normally positive self! Funerals wreck people and it’s totally understandable ^~^ Being yourself is enough, even if you feel like an unstable mess from time to time.

I agree


Hey Trix I have a question HOW ARE YOU SO GOOD AT COMFORTING PEOPLE i mean all I do is be an active listener I have no hecking clue how to make people feel better like reading that was like being tucked into bed by a fucking marshmallow with a cup of hot cocoa while it rains. HOW?

@saor_illust school

Hey Trix I have a question HOW ARE YOU SO GOOD AT COMFORTING PEOPLE i mean all I do is be an active listener I have no hecking clue how to make people feel better like reading that was like being tucked into bed by a fucking marshmallow with a cup of hot cocoa while it rains. HOW?

I agree with you. I need to know that answer too


I- you guys are doing a fine job right now. Seriously, though, you won’t believe the power of an active listener.

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Hey, I feel really bad for this, but I'm in the middle of a really bad episode, could someone just talk.



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I just need people to talk
I'm dissosating really bad and I think my mood is about to do a full 360 (I have a mood disorder, think Bi Polar but faster.)

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Guys? off topic, but do y'all remember how I caught a fly in midair with my bare hands once? Well i just caught a freaking fRUIT FLY. It was near my computer and i just was like "nah ho you been here too long" and i actually caught it midair (barely lmao)! i have to wash my hands now but i would just like to congratulate myself for being a ninja.
Anyway go back to what you were saying

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