forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@HighPockets group

I saw an interesting writing prompt that said something like "jack of all trades as a superpower: you're not great at anything, but decent at everything you do".


congratulations, you did it
today’s the day
this day you’ve had nightmares about since the moment they accepted you-
you fucked up. you opened your worthless mouth again and now everyone you loved, the people you looked up to, they don’t like you anymore. once again, you’re nothing but that whiny little gnat on the windowsill, annoying the fuck out of everyone around you
and it’s all your fault-
this time, unlike the last one, and the time before that, and all your other fuck ups, you don’t have any escape. you can’t apologize cause it’ll just seem like a cheap ticket out of criticism, you can’t explain yourself cause you won’t be taken seriously, you can’t vent cause that would be pity-seeking, deleting your account would just seal your fate, hurting yourself would make you manipulative and attention driven, there’s nothing you can do but sit around and wallow in your own pathetic self-inflicted fully deserved misery
you’ve worked yourself into a void, and it’s about time you gave up.

@HighPockets group

Ella, no. Trust me, it won't seem cheap. We still like you. If I cut people out forever the moment they upset me, I'd have no one left. We want you here, Els.


I'm sorry, Jyn, but no. It's not anyone's fault, first of all, but you're kinda victimizing yourself right now by calling yourself "a selfish bitch" and it isn't working.


Ella, there's nothing you need to apologize for. You're a fucking delight. I love you lots, and I know probably you feel stuck and worried and frustrated right now. I know it sucks. You're a very mature person, and a very kind one. You've done nothing wrong.


thank you guys…
i'm sorry for that, i was kind of panicking and didn't know what else to do other than yell at myself publicly-
i love you all so much, even if it may not seem like it at times, you mean the whole world to me

Deleted user


Deleted user

(Oh sorry, maybe you can come over to my place and watch it with me?)

@GameMaster group

I'm not gonna get sick today I'm not gonna get sick today I'm not gonna get sick today I'm not gonna get sick today I'm not gonna get sick today imnotgonnagetsicktoday imnotgonnagetsicktoday imnotgonnagetsicktoday imnotgonnagetsicktoday imnotgonnagetsicktoday imnotgonnagetsicktoday imnotgonnagetsicktoday imnotgonnagetsicktoday imnotgonnagetsicktoday imnotgonnagetsicktoday imnotgonnagetsicktoday

Eats food


@Pickles group

My intent on this trip was to read
I haven't read at all but I've listened to so much true crime and now I only have like 40 episodes left until I'm all caught up

@HighPockets group

Meanwhile I was like "this weekend I will spend time with my family!" and I read 2 books last night instead of sleeping at a godly hour

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

So, my mom just did her thing were she degrades me and tells me what my therapist and doctors have told me isn't true because of what she thinks with her literal boomer mind? Like, she just said because I have more confusion with what others ask me to do, even with stuff I've done for years, slightly, very slightly more than what I want to do means I'm not autistic??