forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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by realizing he was kinda shitty?

wait who are you talking about lmfao cause he wasn't a terrible person.

Deleted user

you know what? imma stop beating around the bush. yes, it was zach and no, i wasn't emotionally attached to him even though i only knew him for a few months
no i didn't feel like we had a good connection between the two
no im not worried at all if he's having suicidal thoughts and no i haven't been bitching about him to one of my best friends which i know she's sick of hearing of
im fine :)

@Pickles group

I don’t know who anyone’s talking about
Did I miss something?
Or did people not like Zach?
I thought he was really cool-

I did until ~things~ happened and I lost the majority of my trust in him. I don't think it was actually that big of a deal but I really liked him and trusted him quite a bit and I was pretty hurt by some of the things that happened before he left.

Deleted user

oh shit. well there's something i didn't know. i guess im sorry if he was a jerk or something, i didn't know since i was gone for almost two weeks before he left.

Deleted user

yeah, me neither, up until the last time we spoke things were fine i think, nothing that i knew of.

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

I sort of understand what you're feeling. In middle school, there was this girl that I could not stand. When I tried to be polite, she often didn't return the favor. Sometimes we got along, but at least 50% of the time we fought like crazy. At one point, when we had to do a group project together, she literally told me that i had done "too much work" and to "go be useless."
But all my other friends loved her. The two of us had a ton of mutual friends, and I had to pretend I liked her so our mutual friends wouldn't get angry at me.
that summer, this girl moved across the country & stopped communicating with everyone after a while, her few interactions became increasingly rude. most of my other friends started disliking her too so i kind of ended up being right but whatever no one cares


small vent below~

sometimes I feel like such a wallflower. like if I disappeared from here no one would really notice, would they? like everyone here has a place but I just,, exist. it's not like people talk to me directly, mostly just see me hanging around general chats a little
and it's not necessarily a bad thing but sometimes I feel like I only barely exist

yeah that's all for now thank you very much for listening


small vent below~

sometimes I feel like such a wallflower. like if I disappeared from here no one would really notice, would they? like everyone here has a place but I just,, exist. it's not like people talk to me directly, mostly just see me hanging around general chats a little
and it's not necessarily a bad thing but sometimes I feel like I only barely exist

yeah that's all for now thank you very much for listening

i felt that


I completely understand this feeling, (Both of the above mentioned )
I can not express to you how messed up my sleep schedule is. I will fall asleep around 1:00 am wake up around 3:00 am Fall back asleep around 5:00 am and wake up again at 8:00 am. I don't know why this is a thing but it's a thing and welp, this is my life now.

@saor_illust school

i just stay up till like
8am - noon
then fall asleep for like
4-6 hours, 12 sometimes after i follow my general slep schedule for like
idek how many weeks bc then im just rly tired after all that not-slep ive been getting jklsfjkl


I think my brain is permanently adjusted to my school sleep schedule so I stay awake until 1:00 to get any homework done, wake up at three just in case I forgot any homework, wake up at 5:00 because that's when I normally would wake up for school, and wake up again at 8:00 because my brain finally realized that I am not in school.

@Pickles group

small vent below~

sometimes I feel like such a wallflower. like if I disappeared from here no one would really notice, would they? like everyone here has a place but I just,, exist. it's not like people talk to me directly, mostly just see me hanging around general chats a little
and it's not necessarily a bad thing but sometimes I feel like I only barely exist

yeah that's all for now thank you very much for listening

I'd notice, ya big dummy

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

small vent below~

sometimes I feel like such a wallflower. like if I disappeared from here no one would really notice, would they? like everyone here has a place but I just,, exist. it's not like people talk to me directly, mostly just see me hanging around general chats a little
and it's not necessarily a bad thing but sometimes I feel like I only barely exist

yeah that's all for now thank you very much for listening

i felt that

me too

@saor_illust school

jklsfdjkl i don't really say much except to certain people on nb nowadays but
i would notice,
even if it doesnt seem like it
tbh, like i said earlier on discord
i think a lot of people here, including me take everyone else's existence here on nb for granted,
as if yall are gonna be here forever, even if we know that's not the case

but yea,
if yall left
your lack of presence would be noticed


I had a dream that me and a friend were playing some game that involved basically trying to kill each other by the end. There were game pieces to move and gear to wear. It was like half board game, half running around in life. There were three pills total taken each round between the two players. We each took one of the first two, which was more of an activator for awareness but also for the last pill, if you took it. If you were the one who died, you had to take the third pill. It basically immobilized you, made you look dead and stuff, but still awake. I was bad at the game, so I died everytime and had to take the third pill to complete the round. After a couple rounds I was addicted. It made me woozy and tired and happy, even though I was only half conscience. I considered stealing all the pills. After probably my fifth defeat and getting high, the dream ended.
I literally woke up craving that pill. I'm still craving that pill. I'm hooked on a drug that's not even real.
Why, dreams?

@HighPockets group

small vent below~

sometimes I feel like such a wallflower. like if I disappeared from here no one would really notice, would they? like everyone here has a place but I just,, exist. it's not like people talk to me directly, mostly just see me hanging around general chats a little
and it's not necessarily a bad thing but sometimes I feel like I only barely exist

yeah that's all for now thank you very much for listening

i felt that

me too

And I.

@Pickles group

I feel like at this point I'm just a mess of average interests. I'm not great at anything and I don't know the most and I don't know how to feel about it. I'm good at flute, decent at crocheting, moderate at art, I like reading but everyone else reads more than me, I like true crime but I'm not caught up on even one of my podcasts and I can't remember the details of cases, and I'm above average at hoola hooping
Hoola hooping is the one thing I was almost the best at and I haven't done it in almost seven years