forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Pickles group

How so?

And jeez y'all be getting haircuts.

Speech and movement patterns (that sounds so weird and it's just a weird to realize. We fidget the same ways and tend to word things the same way.), the kind of jokes we make, stuff like that. I like him a lot more now that I've forgiven him for moving in with his new girlfriend almost right after getting divorced (which is still really fishy that he moved on so fast, and I don't know exactly why they got divorced). His gf's okay too. She's pregnant apparently.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

*Internal screaming.* Trying to figure out how to draw short, curly hair manga style, and just…. *More internal screaming.*

Me, who only draws manga and has short, curly hair:
I have no feckin' clue either


Am I so mad that I can't make a french knot in my embroidery that I am going to make a voodoo doll and see who I will eventually kill? Yes, yes I am


i am elderly
my back hurts
technology is confusing
someone come make me food so i never have to leave my bed


@saor_illust school

just this morning
at like 11am
i found some glass on the floor of my room and didn't know where it came from
as I picked up the glass shards, tbh I was scared by my first thought
bc I immediately jumped to 'bc glass is sharp I could easily self harm rn and I could just blame it on the glass'
am I really getting better?
bc Everytime it seems I am,
I get worse
what's wrong with me?
god I didn't know how scary this was until know
I'm scared of these thoughts
theres smth wrong with me isn't there-

@saor_illust school

actually I do know why
what if they don't believe me?
what if they think I'm faking?
what do I tell them then?

and what if they judge me for telling them this?


I get that.
I was scared too, even though I knew everything would be ok I couldn’t bring myself to talk-
However, once I finally wrote that letter and got help, it was like a massive weight was lifted off my shoulders. I don’t feel so wrong and invalid anymore, and I’m so much less terrified…
If you’re worried you might hurt yourself, or already have, please, I’m begging you, just try and inform someone. Whether it’s a friend, a family member, or someone else irl who can at least be there for you, talk to them. Tell them everything.
Please don’t wait as long as I did. I didn’t take my problems seriously enough, and because of that, these scars may never go away for as long as I live-
I don’t want you to go through that.
You don’t have to get help right away, just make sure someone knows about this so if things get bad, you’ll have someone to go to.

I love you so much, iz <3<3<3

@saor_illust school

I love you too Ella<33333
and tysm
I think it's be easier to start off with a close friend of mine, that might work-

ima go contact them in a bit, and hope I don't chicken out

@saor_illust school

I told my fren Dave
but now I have to feel guilty abt the fact that I honestly cannot bring myself to care that my other irl fren refuses to fetch an adult bc she had a self harm relapse rn
I said my piece, but i mean
ultimately its up to her whether or not she wants to get better or not

@saor_illust school

fricking hell i'm tired of having to hear "please stay on the line while your call is directed to an available responder"
i now am being forced to call suicide hotline for a friend
this is the situation i couldnt really bring myself to care about
tbh im glad i still feel apathy rn
or else i might be panic attacking
i just
you're supposed to be the suicide hotline
and you expect people to wait this long just to make sure a friend is okay???
i get it's nearly midnight and all but
this is not service
someone please
give me reliable numbers
i need ones that will not take this long

@saor_illust school

I know! Like, as I was sitting there I could only imagine if I were suicidal, calling the line in the middle of the night, not lasting more than a minute and then probably doing something about my suicidal thoughts-
Yeah, they recommended that I ask my fren to call that number, so I did, not sure if they did or not. Will check in on them in a bit

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

I understand you guys too, Ella and Izzy. About half a year ago, I was spiraling into what I think was depression. I was having suicidal thoughts several times a week, sometimes every day. My cats attempt to scratch me when I hold them for too long, and their back claws often land on my wrists. Many, many times, I thought that I could have the cats scratch me and them blame it on holding them too long. I currently don't have those thoughts, but I understand what you're going through.

@Pickles group

over dramatic sigh I found a crochet pattern that I really want to make but I also don't have a hundred dollars to spend on yarn and new hooks and I don't know how to do the stitch
But like
That's a fucking cool coat I want it
so I guess I'm making this my love child for the next forever~