forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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God I just remembered the sermon where my church's pastor essentially said "if you have anxiety or depression, it's because you aren't praying hard enough" and I'm like no??? that's not fucking it??? Personally I have neither but that is not how it fucking works????? I just…why am I still angry about this it's been a fucking month

that's why i refuse to go to church anymore. i remember being really depressed in middle school and showing signs of suicidal behavior and my mom wanted to take me to the pastor to, and i quote, "exorcise the demons that i let in my body", like, dude, no, chill out, there's scientific proof that mental illnesses like depression are a chemical imbalance in the brain. start treating it like a real fucking thing, because it is a real fucking illness, be it physical or not.


For the past two days, the family cat, Tiger, has been missing. This is not usual behavior for him. He's old and doesn't stray far from home, and he's pretty diligent in letting us know if he's stuck and needs our help (by howling at the top of his lungs). My father said that he has to be either dead, injured, or kidnapped. We've had a problem with cougars getting into town before, maybe it happened again and got Tiger. We're both getting super worried at this point.
Fucking guess who comes sauntering up the driveway
Dehydrated as hell
Not physically hurt in the slightest

Our old lovebug of a family cat
Motherfucker had us so worried
I gave him so much love and water

Turns out, he decided to take an afternoon nap in the neighbor's tool shed and then got locked inside.

Give him pets for me

I shall


honestly, I’m still angry about some of the bs that was TOB/Suffer
mom sent me there to try and ensure that I’d never fall away from the church, but that honestly was the closest thing to making me lose my faith entirely-
I eventually accepted that this wasn’t what christians truly believe, and I don’t have to follow this middle-aged white lady’s senseless preaching to be a true devoted catholic.

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

I'm a Christian, and I do believe that prayer holds a lot of power, but I also believe that mental illness is caused by circumstances and/or incorrect amounts of certain chemicals (i think that's what it is - i didn't pay attention in science class).

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Sometimes ( Just random add on) I pray for the well being of myself and others, Especially ever since my depression started. I would just pray and ask to not have those filthy mind demons to corrupt me and make me do something I'd regret.
And by the time I look back and proof read this, you can tell I'm rambling.

@HighPockets group

The Closing Ceremony is in 17 days and I'm kinda scared
Cuz like
If we place, that's a sure ticket to get more people to join next year
I usually don't care about placing in competitions (at least I try to convince myself I don't care) but I hope we do
Idk if we'll beat the 6th place worldwide that we claimed in 2017 though

@Pickles group

The Closing Ceremony is in 17 days and I'm kinda scared
Cuz like
If we place, that's a sure ticket to get more people to join next year
I usually don't care about placing in competitions (at least I try to convince myself I don't care) but I hope we do
Idk if we'll beat the 6th place worldwide that we claimed in 2017 though

Is "good luck" an appropriate response? Because I'm gonna say it anyway

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

The Closing Ceremony is in 17 days and I'm kinda scared
Cuz like
If we place, that's a sure ticket to get more people to join next year
I usually don't care about placing in competitions (at least I try to convince myself I don't care) but I hope we do
Idk if we'll beat the 6th place worldwide that we claimed in 2017 though

Is "good luck" an appropriate response? Because I'm gonna say it anyway

Good skill.


Churches and other religious organizations have a big problem with understanding mental illness. Luckily, I go to a church where the prayer is practiced and employed for those types of things, but it's also recognized as a real medical condition. We pray and talk about it the same way you would about any other physical condition. We've talked about the benefits of medication. We've talked about the difference between circumstantial depression and sadness vs. clinical depression, and how God is there for both. Basically it's "do what you need to do medically, but do it with God." I'm happy that's how my church veiws it. Mental health is a serious topic that shouldn't be brushed away with "just pray more". These are medical sickness that require treatment. I believe God can heal people, but I also believe more often than not he chooses to do so through doctors and treatment plans. That's why those things exist. To be used. Take everything up in prayer, but don't ignore your options when God gives you the answer through therapy or medication.

@HighPockets group

The Closing Ceremony is in 17 days and I'm kinda scared
Cuz like
If we place, that's a sure ticket to get more people to join next year
I usually don't care about placing in competitions (at least I try to convince myself I don't care) but I hope we do
Idk if we'll beat the 6th place worldwide that we claimed in 2017 though

Is "good luck" an appropriate response? Because I'm gonna say it anyway

Good skill.

Thank you both! I have faith in us, but the judges can be tough.

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

Churches and other religious organizations have a big problem with understanding mental illness. Luckily, I go to a church where the prayer is practiced and employed for those types of things, but it's also recognized as a real medical condition. We pray and talk about it the same way you would about any other physical condition. We've talked about the benefits of medication. We've talked about the difference between circumstantial depression and sadness vs. clinical depression, and how God is there for both. Basically it's "do what you need to do medically, but do it with God." I'm happy that's how my church views it. Mental health is a serious topic that shouldn't be brushed away with "just pray more". These are medical sickness that require treatment. I believe God can heal people, but I also believe more often than not he chooses to do so through doctors and treatment plans. That's why those things exist. To be used. Take everything up in prayer, but don't ignore your options when God gives you the answer through therapy or medication.

I completely agree. You said this much better than I ever could.

@HighPockets group

Churches and other religious organizations have a big problem with understanding mental illness. Luckily, I go to a church where the prayer is practiced and employed for those types of things, but it's also recognized as a real medical condition. We pray and talk about it the same way you would about any other physical condition. We've talked about the benefits of medication. We've talked about the difference between circumstantial depression and sadness vs. clinical depression, and how God is there for both. Basically it's "do what you need to do medically, but do it with God." I'm happy that's how my church veiws it. Mental health is a serious topic that shouldn't be brushed away with "just pray more". These are medical sickness that require treatment. I believe God can heal people, but I also believe more often than not he chooses to do so through doctors and treatment plans. That's why those things exist. To be used. Take everything up in prayer, but don't ignore your options when God gives you the answer through therapy or medication.

I got the anointing of the sick almost two years ago due to my depression, and I actually felt better for a few weeks. Not permanently, but it did help. But I also want to get on meds, and I'm seeing a therapist. My church isn't bad with mental health though, probably because it's part of a K-8 and so they have a lot of kids/teens who go there.

@Pickles group

Our church is pretty cool about everything but my "devotional" is written by a woman who's constantly like "I love books and coffee also I have anxiety and depression but praying makes it go away so it's okay"

@HighPockets group

Our church is pretty cool about everything but my "devotional" is written by a woman who's constantly like "I love books and coffee also I have anxiety and depression but praying makes it go away so it's okay"

GraceAnn Parsons?


Our church is pretty cool about everything but my "devotional" is written by a woman who's constantly like "I love books and coffee also I have anxiety and depression but praying makes it go away so it's okay"


@Pickles group

Our church is pretty cool about everything but my "devotional" is written by a woman who's constantly like "I love books and coffee also I have anxiety and depression but praying makes it go away so it's okay"

GraceAnn Parsons?

Is that you?

Deleted user

my mom believes that God will cure her of arthritis and while that's cool and all, she pushes away treatment that could help her feel better. every day she complains that she hurts everywhere and it kinda pains me to see her that way, because well, she's my mother. i get that you like putting your faith somewhere and that it makes you feel secure, but if there's a chance you can get well again with the help of a doctor, then i would take it.
also, it's fair to note that my mom is pentecostal so you know how that rolls.


my mom believes that God will cure her of arthritis and while that's cool and all, she pushes away treatment that could help her feel better. every day she complains that she hurts everywhere and it kinda pains me to see her that way, because well, she's my mother. i get that you like putting your faith somewhere and that it makes you feel secure, but if there's a chance you can get well again with the help of a doctor, then i would take it.
also, it's fair to note that my mom is pentecostal so you know how that rolls.

That saddens me. God uses doctors to heal, and when people ignore treatments for the sake of "faith", it's really just stubbornness. Having faith means trusting whatever God's will is, which is probably getting professional treatment so you can feel better.
Part of my family's Pentecostal. They used to say "don't claim that!" Whenever you mentioned you felt down or depressed or sick. I guess their thinking was if they acknowledged it it would take root in their lives? And ignoring it meant it would go away? I'm not sure, but I know it's not healthy, or Godly imo.


You ever have a dream where you’re super duper tired and up until 4am and you try to do things but can’t without dozing off, but then you cuddle up in the softest, coziest bundle of blankets and pillows you could ever imagine while hugging a gigantic stuffed teddy bear and it’s like the greatest thing ever
but then after you wake up despite getting a full 8 hours you’re just really tired and don’t want to leave your bed?

@HighPockets group

You ever have a dream where you’re super duper tired and up until 4am and you try to do things but can’t without dozing off, but then you cuddle up in the softest, coziest bundle of blankets and pillows you could ever imagine while hugging a gigantic stuffed teddy bear and it’s like the greatest thing ever
but then after you wake up despite getting a full 8 hours you’re just really tired and don’t want to leave your bed?


Deleted user

You ever have a dream where you’re super duper tired and up until 4am and you try to do things but can’t without dozing off, but then you cuddle up in the softest, coziest bundle of blankets and pillows you could ever imagine while hugging a gigantic stuffed teddy bear and it’s like the greatest thing ever
but then after you wake up despite getting a full 8 hours you’re just really tired and don’t want to leave your bed?




Fjghdbf I was asleep but y'all said everything amazingly. Idk my church's viewpoint on mental health, since we've only been going to it for like nine months ish. But yeah. I personally no longer identify as a Christian, but my family drags me to church every sunday. I asked when I can choose not to go and my dad replied that I have to go to church until i'm 18, so. I usually zone out during sermons, but I just remember that one really sticking out to me


So, I have a twitch and it happens every once and a while. I’m kind of embarrassed by it and I was twitchy today while looking at my phone, well my mom and grandma decide to make fun of me for it and now I just fell really weird and don’t know what to do