forum Writing Is The Best! *screams and throws computer across room*
Started by @MarDeColores this is not it kids

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@Starfast group

I think I have it under control now, at least for now. It involved having to merge two chapters into one and rearranging the order of a bunch of other ones. Thanks for offering though!

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Do y'all know how crazy I am? Writing-book-2-when-I-haven't-even-finished-writing-book-1.5-yet crazy. Oh, I forgot to mention, I'm doing this instead of doing the two school assignments I have to do. Gods save me.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Well, my dudes, I managed to figure out one aspect of my underworld-which-doesn't-have-an-Edding-name-yet. So go me. We have dead-people collectors now. Hooray!

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

And I forgot to mention– how dare me– that we also have a dead-person collector dude, which I figured out last night instead of sleeping. And polished up today instead of doing homework. screams

@Starfast group

Aah yes, good old spellcheck. Whatever would I do without it? Can't imagine how terrible my writing would be if I didn't have spellcheck to catch errors like this one:

And shout out to grammar check for reminding me to switch tenses mid sentence! I always forget to do that on my own, but thank god grammar check has my back!

Aaand this week on "Spellcheck suggestions that make no sense at all"


Grammarly kept changing my statement to a question because… of nothing. Grammarly!

@HighPockets group

Spellcheck: I love all of Jyn's characters equally!! Vivian, Giana, Joan, Meg, Victor, Leah
Spellcheck: Looks at smudged writing on hand
Spellcheck: Nick, Cornelia, and I'm


Grammarly kept changing my statement to a question because… of nothing. Grammarly!

I don't have grammerly, I had it for a week before deleting it

I… have to have it. I'm so bad otherwise. (And besides, I only have it on my school computer. I do write on the computer, but it is school appropriate.)

@Moxie group

I didn't used to hate it …
Okay the font is great when you're in the process of writing, but not when you're trying to read it. Does that make sense??

Deleted user

I don't hate my writing but I hate the font I put my writing in but that's enough to make me hate my writing

Alice is a great novel font
It's on Google docs and stuff
Of course, I'm old so I use Microsoft word, but Alice is good

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

I don't hate my writing but I hate the font I put my writing in but that's enough to make me hate my writing

Alice is a great novel font
It's on Google docs and stuff
Of course, I'm old so I use Microsoft word, but Alice is good

Oh, I'm agreeing. Alice is my favorite font. I use it for ALL of my writing.

Deleted user

I don't hate my writing but I hate the font I put my writing in but that's enough to make me hate my writing

Alice is a great novel font
It's on Google docs and stuff
Of course, I'm old so I use Microsoft word, but Alice is good

Oh, I'm agreeing. Alice is my favorite font. I use it for ALL of my writing.

Right?? Alice is the best

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

I don't hate my writing but I hate the font I put my writing in but that's enough to make me hate my writing

Alice is a great novel font
It's on Google docs and stuff
Of course, I'm old so I use Microsoft word, but Alice is good

Oh, I'm agreeing. Alice is my favorite font. I use it for ALL of my writing.

Right?? Alice is the best

Most definitely.