forum Writing Is The Best! *screams and throws computer across room*
Started by @MarDeColores this is not it kids

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@Pickles group

Okay, so hi
I'm doing NaNoWriMo for my creative writing class and honestly, I hate it. I love writing, but it's gotten to the point where I don't want to and I don't want to write again and there's literally not even two whole days left and I'm dreadfully behind and all I do is complain about nano and procrastinate and not work on nano and not do my other homework because of nano and stay up late every night because of nano and ugh. My story is currently utter crap and I probably won't even have the heart to go back and edit it after this is over
That was my mini rant bye any advice on how to not hate this would be much appreciated, and yes, I'm currently also stalling


I don't have time. For anything any more.
I'm primary caretaker for my grandmother. And I have to deal with her.
But…I'm taking the term off of my master's degree.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Hello, it's Mar, come to shout their writing adventures at a wall again! Anyways, I had a slight lapse in judgment and decided that the best thing for me to do (instead of homework) was to create a new character. Things spiraled out of control and I now have a new universe, three characters, a magical plague and a vague idea. Go, me. Oh, and I'm not stopping. Even though I have two unfinished sequels to different books. Gods, help me.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Hello, hello, it's me again. Remember that universe I accidentally created? Well, guess who started writing about it? That's right, it's me. And this universe now has the most detailed and well-thought-out timeline of all my universes. Well, the good news is I now have a bunch of stuff to do while I'm trapped at home. Anyways, see y'all later! Probably when I break down and do something stupid/brilliant (again).

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

It's only been 40-ish minutes, but I'm back to say this one thing: making timelines sucks. Years? How old they are? What happens? Just… Gods. Help. Me. This. Is. Difficult. I can't even do this without a whiteboard. GAH!

@Starfast group

I've written recently. Is it any good? Probably not.

Was going to say something along the lines of "that's a big mood" except I haven't actually written anything recently oops 🙃
Camp Nanowrimo starts next week though and I'm about to dive headfirst into that without an outline. I normally have a bullet point list of what happens in each chapters but this time I'm just gonna wing it and see what happens. I don't know what's going to happen past the first 2-3 chapters, so this should be fun.
Speaking of Camp Nano, is anyone else planning on participating?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I've written recently. Is it any good? Probably not.

Was going to say something along the lines of "that's a big mood" except I haven't actually written anything recently oops 🙃
Camp Nanowrimo starts next week though and I'm about to dive headfirst into that without an outline. I normally have a bullet point list of what happens in each chapters but this time I'm just gonna wing it and see what happens. I don't know what's going to happen past the first 2-3 chapters, so this should be fun.
Speaking of Camp Nano, is anyone else planning on participating?

You still have time to plan!

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

It's only been 40-ish minutes, but I'm back to say this one thing: making timelines sucks. Years? How old they are? What happens? Just… Gods. Help. Me. This. Is. Difficult. I can't even do this without a whiteboard. GAH!


@MarDeColores this is not it kids

It's only been 40-ish minutes, but I'm back to say this one thing: making timelines sucks. Years? How old they are? What happens? Just… Gods. Help. Me. This. Is. Difficult. I can't even do this without a whiteboard. GAH!


Thank you!

@Starfast group

You still have time to plan!

That's true, but I first came up with the concept in like, 2014 or so. If I couldn't come up with a decent story in 6 years, it's not likely to happen in a week. I'm thinking it'll be kind of fun to try something a little different than how I normally write though.
And the story takes place in modern day Canada, so that takes care of most of the world building.