forum Writing Is The Best! *screams and throws computer across room*
Started by @MarDeColores this is not it kids

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I’ve been wanting to write for a million years now and I get distracted every time.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

And, I just remembered, I have THREE that I can't do anything with. I forgot about the last one because I haven't been writing on it for about, I don't know, A YEAR. :(

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

The worst part is, I KNOW what I want to write and where I want the story to go. But I don't know how to get myself there.

@Starfast group

Writing is great when I actually have the motivation to do it 🙃

I have 4 stories that I'm "working on." One that I haven't touched since NaNoWriMo. One that I've been developing for years and only just started actually writing a few weeks ago (I don't even have a full page yet though rip). One that's more of a concept than a story at this point (I have the beginning all planned out, but I have no idea where I want to take it from there). The last one needs some serious work and is basically just a partially developed world with some characters.


I've been procrastinating my novel for like half a year lmao rip
I've written 18 pages on what my novel is about, what the characters are like, etc. But I haven't actually written any of the novel yet because I'm too scared I'll screw it up majorly and lose motivation forever

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

For the help thing, I would probably have to do that tomorrow sometime, since I am DROWNING in homework right now. :(


I feel really odd to talking like this. But this is such a MOOD.

I don't think I've ever heard you use the word "mood" like that lmaooooo

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Writing a seven-novel series and i only have 3/4 of the plot outline done for the first one… :D im getting no where.