forum Writing Is The Best! *screams and throws computer across room*
Started by @MarDeColores this is not it kids

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@HighPockets group

I was gonna post a link to my disaster chemist but I forgot that I'd copied stuff after the link and tbh I'm too lazy to copy the link right now so here's this instead:

Gertrude: If your friends jumped off a bridge would you? Hamlet: Bold of you to assume I’m not already over the bridge.

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Let's be honest though, Hamlet would have jumped before there was ever a bridge.

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ehhhhhhhhh…. gestures vaguely to rosencrantz and guildenstern's dead bodies

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Ophelia is questionable. Maybe he'd give her directions only to save her at the last second. Who knows? Not Hamlet.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

I had one of those dreams again. The one where monsters made of shadow are everywhere. This time there were at least ten, which is unusual. Normally there’s only one or two. What’s even more unusual is the other person present in my dream. I only remember snippets of her. Her raven black hair, rolling like waves in a stormy ocean. Her blue eyes, like the clearest sky in a hundred different shades of blue. I can't remember her face, though, and it drives me insane.
(This is the first paragraph in my story, and I'm wondering if it looks alright)

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Over the first 100 years of the universe, they grew stronger. Humanity arose at the end of those 100 years, and the gods were worshiped as the creators.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Then, on the 100th year, two new gods rose. They also represented the light and the dark, but were more powerful than the original two gods.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

The two new gods fought the old gods for their position. The old gods had more experience, but the new gods had more power.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

The new gods won and pushed the old gods to the background. They were mostly forgotten and their temples were torn down.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

For years, the new gods ruled. New gods came into being and joined them. The old god of life and light joined them as well, not wanting to be alone for eternity. But the old god of darkness stayed in the shadows, plotting the downfall of the new gods.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

This old god of darkness had been stripped of their title of god of darkness and was now simply the god of trickery and deceit. They were not too keen on that, but they embraced it fully.