forum Writing Is The Best! *screams and throws computer across room*
Started by @MarDeColores this is not it kids

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@MarDeColores this is not it kids

So… I'm rewriting a story- you ask why, I respond because I want to kill my brain, why else- and oh gods. It is so bad! I'm so glad I'm changing some of it because it is TRASH. So bad. Anyway. Just rewrote a terrible part where my character is… well, that part doesn't exist anymore, so… no need to talk about it.

Deleted user

I think I've finally found the solution to my writer's block!
I'm probably {lol} gonna repaint and redo my room soon, which always gets me feeling creative. Hopefully that'll help.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Guess what, it's me again, coming to scream at this wall. Spell check is an IDIOT sometimes! It's trying to change my present tense- which I put there for a reason, spell check- to past tense. And it corrected "stupid" to "stoopid". Is that even a word? But I can't just not use it, because I can't spell. And I can't just ignore it, because all those little red and blue lines are annoying and must go away, no matter what.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

My favorite thing is when I'm typing offline, and spell everything wrong, then go back on wifi. My entire document goes red. It's the best.

@Starfast group

Aah yes, good old spellcheck. Whatever would I do without it? Can't imagine how terrible my writing would be if I didn't have spellcheck to catch errors like this one:

And shout out to grammar check for reminding me to switch tenses mid sentence! I always forget to do that on my own, but thank god grammar check has my back!

Deleted user

Dude, it's seriously a struggle because if you turn it off, you'll miss actual errors, but if you keep it on you get stuff like that.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Hello, it's Mar again. Mostly because I have nothing else to do (I'm lying. I have math homework. But that's no fun, so here we are). But also because I have hit a wall- and I need to scream at a wall. Why a wall? Because I can't really talk to anyone else. Walls are nice. They keep up the roof. But back to the point.
I need to edit my story- both because I kinda want to finish it and because I need it to keep sane in this pit of despair we call school- but… school. So here I am, writing a whole new story- both in Spanish and in English, because, you guessed it, school. Gods help me. (Sorry if this bothers anyone.)

@HighPockets group

Aah yes, good old spellcheck. Whatever would I do without it? Can't imagine how terrible my writing would be if I didn't have spellcheck to catch errors like this one:

And shout out to grammar check for reminding me to switch tenses mid sentence! I always forget to do that on my own, but thank god grammar check has my back!

Mine does that too.
Also thank you, spellcheck, for correcting my errors, such as Nich's name. Thanks for always trying to correct it to Nick, even though I've been writing about him for 3 years :)!

@Starfast group

Digging up this chat again because I'm getting prepared for Nanowrimo and it was going great until I realized that there's this g a p i n g plot hole. So now I'm having to completely alter my outline so that I can address the aforementioned plothole 🙃🙃

I mean I know it'll pay off because not only will the story make sense this way, but one of my characters won't be called out by readers for being a complete dumbass (especially when he's generally one of the more reasonable one). But oh my god I'm so frustrated right now.