forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers


Lmao I've always liked "Just killed my abusive husband/dad/male figure, feeling good" country songs. It's weird though, I like knew the words but didn't know what they were about until I was in like… middle school. A lot of the country that plays on the station my mom listens to is absolute ass though. OH and a few of them will make me cry. If I Die Young has been able to make me shed a few tears for as long as I've known it. And there's this one that came out recently I think?? Idk I only heard it recently, it's called "Show Me Around" or something and it's about this girl whose boyfriend died and she's basically saying "show me around when I get there" there being heaven and no I don't believe in heaven but every single fucking time I hear that one I absolutely break into sobs. And there was another one?? About this lady whose son went off to serve in the military and on the day he was supposed to come home she instead got the news that he had died and DKLVKSJVN FUCK THAT'S ALRIGHT JUST STAB ME IN THE HEART HUH

Tl;dr: some country music slaps, some country music makes me sob like an infant, and some of it sucks.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

pumas are terrifying. so are any kind of big cats. i love bears, though, but they're scary as well.

they're cute enough that I'm not actively afraid of them but if I came across a ✨wild✨one I would a hundred percent panic

oh, you'd panic around a wild bear?
what's your trauma?


My reaction exactly.

@ElderGod-kirky group

I mean
it's not as bad as my parents hating on artists like Cardi B and Niki Minaj—neither one are my favorite but I do have some songs by both of them

mom straight up called Cardi B a tramp


today's headline reads:

local man has no taste, claims niki minaj has not a single bop

like bruh have you even heard superbass?????

i was stalking again lmao
sdfghjkl nicki minaj is a QUEEN and i will die on this hill


as someone who isnt fond of rap music–it's not all bad lmao i just dont enjoy it and thats the cool thing about music…there's lots of it so everyone's tastes are covered. people who don't get that act so annoying about it


My parents always make fun of me when I listen to rap or hip hop and say that it's trash. "i just don't get it" like okay it's not for you to get- i get so offended about my music lol

i listen to a lot of experimental bullshit like 100 gecs and 111nightshift, so ppl are just like "wtf this sucks"

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

My parents always make fun of me when I listen to rap or hip hop and say that it's trash. "i just don't get it" like okay it's not for you to get- i get so offended about my music lol

Basically same. I really vibe w rap though I don't follow any artist particularly.

@Pickles group

My parents always make fun of me when I listen to rap or hip hop and say that it's trash. "i just don't get it" like okay it's not for you to get- i get so offended about my music lol

Basically same. I really vibe w rap though I don't follow any artist particularly.

You don't have rap vibes
You have like, mediocre show tunes and Christian pop vibes