forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers

Deleted user

people on the internet are still real and have very real emotions and reactions. the screen doesn't filter your words and keep you from hurting others with your bullshit

Hence why I kept the user I was talking about anonymous and have no plans to reveal their identity. It's not Pickles or Jyn or whoever else y'all think it is. That's all you need to know.

@Pickles group

You sure didn't seem to think I was 'a toxic bitch' in PMs.

When you PMed me to ask about my sexuality and I responded once or before you left and I realized how shitty you made everyone feel?

Deleted user

You sure didn't seem to think I was 'a toxic bitch' in PMs.

When you PMed me to ask about my sexuality and I responded once or before you left and I realized how shitty you made everyone feel?

nope, when I was in multiple group PMs with you. But go off I guess.

@Pickles group

Actually it's not. And even if it was you would have no way of knowing. Seeing as you don't know me.

You literally came on the internet and told someone they were going to die just like their family, and if you aren't recognizing your toxicity on the internet, you can't be any better in real life. And from what I've heard about your life, yeah, you are the same there.

You are far from my escape. Maybe you were when I was younger. If you think you still are, there's another reason to get over yourself. Again, I literally do not care if you don't like me. But go off, I guess.

What, when you came crawling back saying notebook was your escape? That "younger"? And if we're not, why are you still here since we're apparently the toxic ones draining your mental health?

Quit throwing whiny little bitch fits when people tell you something isn't okay.

@ElderGod-kirky group

people on the internet are still real and have very real emotions and reactions. the screen doesn't filter your words and keep you from hurting others with your bullshit

Hence why I kept the user I was talking about anonymous and have no plans to reveal their identity. It's not Pickles or Jyn or whoever else y'all think it is. That's all you need to know.

i wasn't referring to just this one instance, but okay

@Pickles group

You sure didn't seem to think I was 'a toxic bitch' in PMs.

When you PMed me to ask about my sexuality and I responded once or before you left and I realized how shitty you made everyone feel?

nope, when I was in multiple group PMs with you. But go off I guess.

Deleted user

Lizzie. Chill.
You've always done this thing where something small that you dislike happens and suddenly you're freaking out and don't know when to move on and leave people alone.
Relax. Honestly my rants literally had nothing to do with you and were just my way of getting out some stuff I'm frustrated about.
Calm down.

@Pickles group

Lizzie. Chill.
You've always done this thing where something small that you dislike happens and suddenly you're freaking out and don't know when to move on and leave people alone.
Relax. Honestly my rants literally had nothing to do with you and were just my way of getting out some stuff I'm frustrated about.
Calm down.

That doesn't make you not toxic. The fact that something wasn't aimed at me doesn't make it fucking okay.

Deleted user

It is okay. Because I'm allowed to rant about things that are taking over more of my life than they should be and are really fucking not fun to deal with.
I do not care if you call me toxic. You're not hurting me.
You seem to be invested in this conversation, so let me know when you're ready for it to be over.

@Anemone eco

Being frank, I don't care who it is or is not about. What you said is not okay. It's practically suicide baiting and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Additionally, your language is narcissistic and abusive. I don't care if I'm just a person on the internet to you, if you hate me or not. And you know what, I can't even say that I hate you, but I can't really say that I like you after this. I've been always considering talking to you about your behaviour and the way you pick fights over little things, but I have faith that you can change for the better, Leo.

And I hate to break it to you this way, but someone not liking you isn't the end of the world, and with the way you're acting now, I see that it'll happen more often. There are people in this world that will lie straight to your face and say different things about you behind your back, I'm sure you know. So yes, while Pickles may not know too much about your irl life, you may know less than you think too. You can't go everywhere with an I-don't-care attitude and attack people with every other message, but still expect people to have your back. It deteriorates the mental health of others here, and it's like you're doing a trust fall by yourself. Over and over again. It's insanity.

You change faster than the seasons. One moment you tell me you don't trust me, and the next moment you tell me you missed me. And I have a gut feeling that with this message, your opinion of me will change once again. But that's okay. You're free to think about me whatever you will.

Leo, I still have faith for your future. I really do. But you need to just look in the mirror a little while longer and really think about the things you've done. And you've want to argue with me over this, you can go right ahead, I won't back down.

@Pickles group

It is okay. Because I'm allowed to rant about things that are taking over more of my life than they should be and are really fucking not fun to deal with.
I do not care if you call me toxic. You're not hurting me.
You seem to be invested in this conversation, so let me know when you're ready for it to be over.

No. It's not. It is not okay for you to tell people that they're going to die and be upset at them because they don't want to keep being your friend, and it's not okay for you to not acknowledge that. I can't believe you think Eris is the fucking toxic one. Look at yourself. Do you think that since she's "toxic" and we like her that you can pull shit and it's okay because we'll still like you? Or do you just not get that you're a shithead?
Maybe you don't, but you should. It's disgusting that you "don't care" about hurting people.

Deleted user

I am so fucking done with people on this goddamn website saying the same shit about me over and over again.
I don't care if you call me toxic, a narcissist, whatever. Because I know that isn't true.
But what you will not do is call me abusive.
I should be able to come on here and vent about things bothering me.

I'm done. I'm done with this whole fucking thing.
Say whatever you fucking want about me. I'll continue to be the punching bag or whatever you want.
It's always been the same way: If The Group likes people, they do no wrong. If The Group doesn't, you don't leave them alone & let them live until they physically cannot take any more.
I'm sorry for trying to get someone out of an addiction so they don't end up like my dad and being upset when they ignore my help and get worse.
You know nothing about me. Do not assume you do.
Now leave me the fuck alone


It's disgusting that you "don't care" about hurting people.

Amen to that. I don't really know anything about this situation other than what's been revealed here, but if someone calls you out on being toxic, saying "I do not care if you call me toxic. You're not hurting me," is just as bad as when people say "fake news" to anything they don't want to hear. Even if you aren't toxic, and people are just misunderstanding you somehow, shutting them down when they express concern is not okay. Shutting them down makes you toxic because you're refusing to consider that you might be harming people, and you should care about the chance that you are.


what is it with people on this site deleting their accounts when people tell them they're doing something that isn't okay. I feel like this happens weirdly often and its like. wack

@HighPockets group

what is it with people on this site deleting their accounts when people tell them they're doing something that isn't okay. I feel like this happens weirdly often and its like. wack

You'd think that people on a writing website would maybe not run away from criticism but ig not

@Katastrophic group

that was… yikes.

On a different note, I want to be rude to my housemate who says really mean shit just casually in conversations. On the topic of artist statements, which is basically a blurb about you and your work (housemate is graphic designer and I'm studio art) "It's so hard to write this art thing :( It's so easy for you because you can just talk about fantasy or cartoon stuff, but I make work that people actually want"

really? I assure you that many people "actually want" stylized work or there wouldn't be a market for it. Im kinda glad I never showed her my real work with my comic ideas, idk how she would react to anime style if she thinks my renders are 'cartoons'.

@Pickles group

As a child, watching a guy drown in his own blood while people didn't call an ambulance and instead poured all their effort into converting him really fucked me up and I'm only realizing this years later so anyway
Clarification: it was a movie
The people in my town aren't religious enough for that