forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers

@Pickles group

I could, have and probably should again write a TedTalk about the history of homosexuality in the church, and why the Bible never says it's a sin.

Please do, I'm legit in an irl debate in class about this right now

Why are you talking about religion and human rights in school?? in case it's not clear, I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at your teacher

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I could, have and probably should again write a TedTalk about the history of homosexuality in the church, and why the Bible never says it's a sin.

Please do, I'm legit in an irl debate in class about this right now

Why are you talking about religion and human rights in school?? in case it's not clear, I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at your teacher

We're doing it on our own, our teacher's not pitting us against each other or anything

@Pickles group

I could, have and probably should again write a TedTalk about the history of homosexuality in the church, and why the Bible never says it's a sin.

Please do, I'm legit in an irl debate in class about this right now

Why are you talking about religion and human rights in school?? in case it's not clear, I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at your teacher

We're doing it on our own, our teacher's not pitting us against each other or anything

Ah. Good

Deleted user

Uh, yes, I'll like to be rude with my brain.
That is all.

Deleted user




Well there was this in my notes, it was a response to a comment someone left somewhere, idk. The comment was pretty generic homophobic/transphobic Christian stuff, so this should cover a lot. However, it should be noted my views on Christianity have changed drastically, but the theological points I make are still valid.


I also dead ass have an entire website copied and pasted somewhere, I can dig that up if you want. Lots of good information there.

Deleted user

(Okay, so I basically knew all of this stuff (Thank you, parents) But… wow. That put it in a new light for me.)


Alright I think I'm done with my information dump. Maybe one day if anyone wants to take this to the debate chat, I'd probably be glad to, but it might be important to you to debate a Christian, and while I'm no longer a Christian I still hold a good understanding of apologetics, biblical studies, and theology.


I hate my period so much, like I'm not even going to have kids I don't need this. Yay, I get to spend a few days in intense pain for fucking no payoff ugh I wish I could just stop getting it.

its very existence is a minor trigger and as soon as I’m old enough I want it gone

Deleted user

I'd like to be rude to underwire bras and also the general fact that I have to have boobs
I don't fucking want them


also, if I can add another thing to the information dump:

Gay saints.
They’re real.
I’ve been researching them a lot lately, and it’s really helped me get out of my struggles and doubts with the faith.

for those who aren’t aware, Saints are people who are acknowledged as holy or full of virtue, and are fully considered by the Catholic and/or Orthodox Church to be with god eternally in heaven.
I’m not going to go into the full process of canonization, but part of it includes requiring a certain amount of proven miracles directly linked to the blessed through prayer. Those miracles are considered evidence that someone is in heaven, and hence able to intercede with God on others' behalf.
There is one exception to this requirement, martyrs don’t have to have verified miracles to be proven saints, although some do regardless, however that’s off-topic.

The point is, many of these canonized saints have been theorized or even proven to have either struggled with homosexuality in their past, been in same-sex relationships, or defied common gender norms in subtle to extreme ways.
So if being gay is such a serious offense, how are these people able to speak with god?
There are many articles on the subject, but my favorite LGBTQ+ saints include Walatta Petros (had a homoromantic partner, shown by her own writings), Sergius and Bacchus (two dudes, martyred for their religion, one day apart after multiple humiliation and torture attempts including dressing the pair in women’s clothing failed and they still refused to sacrifice to pagan gods, accepting their fate as “brides of Christ”. after one was beaten to death, the other saw him in a dream dressed in soldier’s armor with the face of an angel, telling him not to give in so they can be together as lovers in heaven, cause they’re so, so gay.), Joan of Arc (badass cross dressing woman the LGBT community has taken as an idol), Madre Juana de la Cruz (claimed God changed her gender in the womb, and depicted a gender-bending image of Christ), Francis of Assisi (allowed a woman into a monastery after cutting her hair and allowing her to live as Brother Jacoba. also may have had romantic feelings for his close male partner but it’s unconfirmed), Brigid and Darlughdach (oh my gawd they were roommates 👀), St. Elzear of Sabran and The Blessed Countesse Delphina (a married heteroromantic couple who took a vow of celibacy and are said to have never felt any sexual attraction), and San Juan de la Cruz (wrote some gay shit).

(and a few lists of others, if anyone wants to do some more research)

(Disclaimer: I cannot say for certain that all of these people were gay/ace/trans/etc, as it’s difficult to prove, but regardless their acceptance and relation towards modern LGBT movements says a lot)