forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

So… does anybody else have such a strong connection to a fictional character that it's physically overwhelming and whenever you see them sad you just break down?
Or is that just me?

@d-r-e-a-m-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e group

So… does anybody else have such a strong connection to a fictional character that it's physically overwhelming and whenever you see them sad you just break down?
Or is that just me?

no i get that
especially with tom holland spiderman

Deleted user

My mom is trying to memorize 'lgbtq' for me and it's adorable

she keeps saying "glbt– No, what is it? L… G… B… T… Q!"

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

So… does anybody else have such a strong connection to a fictional character that it's physically overwhelming and whenever you see them sad you just break down?
Or is that just me?

no i get that
especially with tom holland spiderman

I get it with like
Any character who I can relate to in the slightest
Especially Sanji because he's baby

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

My mom is trying to memorize 'lgbtq' for me and it's adorable

she keeps saying "glbt– No, what is it? L… G… B… T… Q!"

Omg that's so sweet
Your mom is awesome

Deleted user

My mom is trying to memorize 'lgbtq' for me and it's adorable

she keeps saying "glbt– No, what is it? L… G… B… T… Q!"

Omg that's so sweet
Your mom is awesome

She's not. But she's trying shrug.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

With each progressing episode of One Piece, I relate to the antagonist of this arc more and more.
Like, if I had that kind of power, I'd destroy a kingdom if my cake got destroyed.
I, too, would destroy an entire village of giants at age 5 over sweets.

@Toaster group

So… does anybody else have such a strong connection to a fictional character that it's physically overwhelming and whenever you see them sad you just break down?
Or is that just me?

no i get that
especially with tom holland spiderman

I get it with like
Any character who I can relate to in the slightest
Especially Sanji because he's baby

Same. Fics are great friends.

Deleted user

dear payton moormeier
you could wrap me in neon green duct tape and throw me off a cliff and I'd say thank you

a simp


So…my parents think I might be not straight? At least my dad? I overheard them talking about it
"something about me maybe being LGBTQ+" "I've already asked her"" well there's a zillion letters, it's all the same to us but if she's so many letters down the line of course she's gonna say no"

So now I feel like I have to come out soon
But idk how
Especially since I'm oriented aroace
I can't just say like "hey I'm gay" or "hey I'm bi"
So I'm gonna have to give a long detailed explanation which they probably still won't understand
(I tried to explain asexual and aromantic before they didn't really get it)
And also if I tried to tell them I would panic and not say anything (I really hate anxiety)
So yeah this is kinda stressful :) …

@Pickles group

I misread that as "I think I might be not straight" and I just kind of sat for a moment like no you aren't isn't that the point
Boy I love not being able to focus long enough to properly read a sentence
Good luck though

Deleted user

Probably not as cute as you though

*spits out tea* No.


@HighPockets group

Probably not as cute as you though

We should start calling you the fax machine instead of Onision lmao

Once we toss Grunk in prison, Nie will be the new Fax Machine.
Maybe Nie can duel him and lop his head off at the end.

Deleted user

Probably not as cute as you though

We should start calling you the fax machine instead of Onision lmao

I had an aneurysm trying to figure out what this is supposed to mean

@Pickles group

Probably not as cute as you though

We should start calling you the fax machine instead of Onision lmao

Once we toss Grunk in prison, Nie will be the new Fax Machine.
Maybe Nie can duel him and lop his head off at the end.

I meant Mir lol

Deleted user

… Guys I think they were possessed again