forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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I like your @ name @ocean-bacon-thinks-u-look-cute-today

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I think I figured out my sexuality-
quoiromantic- Being unsure if you experience attraction or not. · Being unable to understand attraction as a concept or feeling. · Finding the concept of attraction to be inaccessible, inapplicable, nonsensical.

@d-r-e-a-m-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e group

guys i've figured myself out
i'm definitely attracted to girls, and i think the name that fits me the most is lesbian (which is what i usually tell people, even though i don't like labels)
but i'm also at the same time like, aesthetically attracted to guys?? like the idea of anything sexual with a guy just absolutely grosses me out and i'm honestly not sure if i could imagine a romantic relationship with one,,,
but i still definitely think they're attractive/aesthetically appealing

does that make sense? is that valid? idk

(and btw, to the two posts above me, that's great to hear that you've figured it out :))) )

@d-r-e-a-m-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e group

And–this goes for everyone in this chat–if anyone tries to tell you you're not valid, I will kick their head
That's not a Rickroll I promise, but it's a link to what the reference is from (that specific scene)

ok but that's great

and ty for the support lol :))

Deleted user

I mean, I'm biromantic, and I'm not attracted to nonbinary people. But they are often very beautiful people and I'm aesthetically attracted to them.
You know?


Being demisexual/romantic, I'm kinda salty I can't just know immediately which genders I like. So far, I've been attracted to a male. Aesthetically, I like all genders, but as for the other attractions (besides for males), it'd take forever to figure it out.


saklvndslv So many people figuring themselves out and!! I am!!! Here for it!!!

Also I've been having SERIOUS thoughts about my crush(not sexual lmao, I'm ace) and I just


I've been wanting to ask them out for a while and I think I'm finally getting brave enough to do it but I also don't want to ask them out while we're doing online school because they want to focus on that but also I have no idea if this is gonna last?? Like I might be feeling super brave now but give it two weeks and I'll be crying in the corner at the thought of asking them out but also I don't want to distract them from that?? slavksvnav


A guy I liked before I started figuring myself out just moved back home (He moved away for a year) And we've been texting each other for a very long time and it's a little awkward because he was the first guy I ever sort of liked. And I was nervous how he was going to take me being bi-romantic and when I told him, he actually laughed and said that he was going to tell me that he was Bisexual and I laughed and now he won't stop sending me memes because he "Finally has someone to share them with that will actually understand them" and he changed my name in his phone to bi buddy and for the first time in a while, he is the first person who has made me genuinely smile in a very long time. (He has a boyfriend though. We are just friends)

Deleted user

I mean, I ended up breaking up with my girlfriends because I didn't know if what I was feeling was love. Thinking back on it, I should've told them that was the reason…
Damn it.

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I love you

Love you too bitch
Mir is the one true love of my life

Deleted user

I love you

Love you too bitch
Mir is the one true love of my life

That's right motherfuckers


A guy I liked before I started figuring myself out just moved back home (He moved away for a year) And we've been texting each other for a very long time and it's a little awkward because he was the first guy I ever sort of liked. And I was nervous how he was going to take me being bi-romantic and when I told him, he actually laughed and said that he was going to tell me that he was Bisexual and I laughed and now he won't stop sending me memes because he "Finally has someone to share them with that will actually understand them" and he changed my name in his phone to bi buddy and for the first time in a while, he is the first person who has made me genuinely smile in a very long time. (He has a boyfriend though. We are just friends)

This is wholesome. I have a male bi friend who was really nervous to come out to me, like he was getting really quiet and kept studying my reaction to make sure he wasn't making a mistake. He finally got it all out, and I was like "sweet, I'm queer too" and he had the biggest relief. Now we send solidarity memes back and forth hah.

Deleted user

I love you

Love you too bitch
Mir is the one true love of my life

That's right motherfuckers

Honestly, if I don't meet you irl at some point I will revolt.
Doesn't even need to be soon, I just wanna meet you at some point

Deleted user

I love you

Love you too bitch
Mir is the one true love of my life

That's right motherfuckers

Honestly, if I don't meet you irl at some point I will revolt.
Doesn't even need to be soon, I just wanna meet you at some point

I will tackle hug you

Deleted user

Bitch same

Also, I'm unfollowing most of the chats in general, this one probably included.
So if you need me, or just wanna chat, hop into my pms. I don't bite… hard.
Hah, cannibal jokes

Deleted user

I don't bite… hard.

That's what they all say