forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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I feel like passive-aggressively bullying the cishets tonight who's with me?

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This is a joke btw please don't start discourse guys.

@saor_illust school

HI GUYS GALS AND NON-BINARY PALS! (Quickly addressing any other Fanders in this chat, the new episode made me cry)


YAY !!

@d-r-e-a-m-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e group

HI GUYS GALS AND NON-BINARY PALS! (Quickly addressing any other Fanders in this chat, the new episode made me cry)


YAY !!

WOOT WOOT ♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

HI GUYS GALS AND NON-BINARY PALS! (Quickly addressing any other Fanders in this chat, the new episode made me cry)


YAY !!

WOOT WOOT ♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ

and you're not the only one who cried

Deleted user

Today's Aesthetic:
Black high-waisted shorts. Black t-shirt. Eyeliner for days. White baseball cap.

@d-r-e-a-m-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e group

lol nice reference

today's aesthetic: ratty navy blue UC Davis hoodie, aglet from hood cord in mouth. hair pulled back in a loose braid. flower patterned shorts. tall yellow socks with dancing penguins on them.


So earlier my dad said something about how like less than 1% of the population is LGBTQ+ and it's rare to find one person who is. I was like are you sure? So he asked how many people I knew who were LGBTQ+ and I said I knew multiple, which was my mistake. My mom asked who and I said I wasn't telling because you don't out pipeline like that, but they didn't understand because oh you're out to a few people that means your out to everyone. Like no you can be out to your friends but not to your parents. Now my mom really wants to know who and my dad thinks I'm making it up, so yeah

Also Im supposed to be asleep right now so once I post this I will be going to bed so I won't be able to see anyone responses until the morning

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I did that all the time with my mom before I came out
I remember the day before I came out, I said something about bisexuals and then said "bisexuals are awesome" and she demanded to know how many bisexuals I knew
And it's like
Me :)
And then I came out

@The-Magician group

Oof.. I sat my mum down, my best friend next to me, and said to my mum that I’m bisexual. All she said was “Okay”.
About two years later I came out as genderqueer and she said she didn’t know how to feel about it.

My parents later used all of this knowledge against me in an argument, my stepdad said——and I quote——“Are you just going to keep telling us things until we give you attention?”

That was the last time I trusted my parents.

Deleted user

“Are you just going to keep telling us things until we give you attention?”


@The-Magician group

Since then I haven’t even told them anything about my gender identity. Although when my sister referred to me as ‘he’ and my mum corrected her to ‘she’ I looked my mum dead in the eye and said “I don’t mind what pronoun they use. He, they.. they is cool”


So, my moms side of the family is super religious and they were coming to say goodbye to my brother who was leaving for a job out of state. Well, I suddenly got really bad anxiety because I'm only out to my cousin, who isn't religious like her parents. All of the family was blocking the front door and I almost said "move, I'm gay" because the cousin I am outed too was quoting vines to help me laugh and feel better. And that is how I almost came out to my family tonight

@d-r-e-a-m-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e group

i asked my mother once if i could cut my hair in a "boyish" hairstyle. that was my mistake. she immediately rounded on me with "what, are you gonna start calling yourself non-binary?" i said no, because i'm not. i just wanted to try out a shorter hairstyle. then she said, "oh are you trying to make yourself known to all the other dykes out there?" she spat the word out like it was something gross. as soon as she said that i really had to restrain myself from yelling at her. we spiraled into a conversation about my sexuality (i'd tried telling her i was bi a year or so back) and i told her i still liked girls. she immediately guilt-tripped me with the story of my uncle who couldn't come out as gay until his 20s, basically telling me that my feelings aren't valid because i'm just a teenager. and "i'll probably change my mind anyway". i cried myself to sleep that night.