forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

people_alt 232 followers

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looks around, searching for fellow Lesbians

@HighPockets group

i… don't know if you intended to post that five times or if it's only showing up like that on my screen but either way yes girl you are so correct

I didn't lol it just wasn't posting so I kept hitting the button and then it…did.

Deleted user

Is there anything more fun than questioning your gender?


Oh oof, I don't know the struggle firsthand myself, but I've got friends who go through that. We're here for you, my dude(feel like I should clarify, I call literally everyone "dude" it's not a gender statement)


I call literally everyone "dude"

Same, man. (Along with man and bro)

I tried explaining it to my dad and I swear he blew an artery or something. "DuDe Is MaScUlInE REEEEEE"

Deleted user

Eats my Chocolate Covered nuts and berries in my little corner


You're definitely not wrong

On the concept of gender, I'm RPing and one of my characters just misgendered one of my other characters(I think some people from here might be stalking it?) he doesn't really have any concept of nonbinary or a lot of other things, the guy literally asked "what's a tylenol" earlier so when my enby character eventually brings it up I'm kind of planning for him to be like "Uhh what's… non-bean-dairy?" but idk if that would be offensive? It gets explained and he's not rude or anything about it but if y'all take issue with it then I won't do it.

@darling-velocipede group

i'm far from the only opinion here, but i don't think that sounds offensive in the least– it makes sense with his character, and, importantly, these are the actions and beliefs of a character, not a real person. he's allowed to be misinformed as long as the overarching text doesn't preach a misunderstanding of enbys