forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

people_alt 232 followers

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literally just made eye contact with a hot girl and the first thing that came into my mind was "tie me to a tree and hit me with a tractor"

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I– I knew it was coming
I was just hoping I'd have a better response lmao


Y'all this happened like half an hour ago at LEAST and I am STILL PISSED

So my family was watching this show(Mysteries of the Abandoned, it's actually pretty sick y'all should check it out) and there's this woman(I'm pretty sure) on it that's one of the historians that talks about the places. She looks a little masculine and her voice is also pretty masculine-sounding, but it's not a huge deal. The point of the show is cool historical places that have been abandoned for different interesting and usually dark reasons, not to be a douche about someone's fucking gender.

Unfortunately, that's exactly what my youngest brother decides to do.

He'd made some remark at dinner and I shut him down, but later I was in my bedroom writing and he busts in completely unprompted and goes "Lololol I think I found the reason for the 'other' box on gender forms. You know that crossbreed between genders on tv–" and I cut him off with a furious "IT COSTS ZERO DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS TO BE A DECENT FUCKING PERSON YOU DICK" and he has the audacity to respond with "It costs my dignity"

Needless to say if he comes into my room again I'm going to turn his face into a fucking pancake. If any of y'all come across someone like that do what I could not and break their fucking noses please.

@V01DtheFae group

Aight so mind if I rant for a little?
if not just ignore this.

So a couple months ago. Like around i'd say October last year me and this guy i know started dating. But ya see he lives in a different state and his parents don't like me. We went behind their backs and went all Romeo and Juliet and now we can't text. I'm worried and kinda scared that I got him in trouble…. Help.


~Welcome to another episode of Feelings Are Confusing~

Me: I'm comfortable in my identity as homoaesthetic aroace and I feel that label fit me
My brain: Hey remember that one time you thought you had a crush on a boy but there were no romantic feelings?
My brain: And this was long before you realized you were aroace but you were still super confused?
Me: …


Also @Loki_Hyakuya I don't exactly know how to help…is there any other way you can talk to him without your parents/his parents knowing? Like I'll sometimes message my friends on Pinterest if it's something I don't want my parents to see

@Pickles group

Welcome to the world of squishes and/or thinking you're supposed to have crushes so your brain pretends and you have to pretend you like holding their hand
Aka me freshman year before I even knew what aroace was

@saor_illust school

Twitter has just informed me that it is Ace Visibility Day (I didn't know that existed until today). So happy Ace Visibility Day to you all, I guess? I'm not quite sure if that's what I'm supposed to say…

edit: I'm reading through these tweets and I swear they're getting more and more wholesome as I scroll through them

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Ay! @NotAnEffingSidekick @Emi- @Pickles-EmpressOfKangarooRatsAndAceSnail Team ace-spectrum <3

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To any fellow demisexuals, we're awesome. Pretty cooool people, us demisexual lads, ladies and nonbinary daisies.