forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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What the fuck, I missed ace visibility day and didn't even realize it?? Wack.

Kind of ironic that today I was in a very ace-pride mood all day. Wore my "Ace and Awesome" shirt, my ace plaid, and made a makeshift black ring out of hockey skate laces. Almost painted my nails ace colors too but got distracted lmao


If this conversation wasn't in this chat, I would've gotten so much whiplash from reading through

Anyways, happy Ace Visibility Day! I know I'm somewhere along the spectrum of asexual, but I know that as soon as I try to narrow it down to a solid label, my mind will overcomplicate things. So uh anyways

ya yeet

@Becfromthedead group

Oh nice! Ace visibility day!
I actually figured out I was demisexual while reading through ace visibility week posts a few years ago, so that's cool.


Ace of Spades: Aromantic Asexuals

Ace of Hearts: Alloromantic Asexuals

Ace of Diamonds: Demisexual and Demiromantics

Ace of Clubs: Grey-asexuals and Grey-romantics


(Though some people say Ace of Diamonds belongs to both grey-ace peeps and demis, and the Ace of Clubs belongs to questioning people. Whatever floats your fancy :) )


petition to make a pm and call ourselves the aspects? Where we don't even really do anything, we're just there

I don't see why not