forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

people_alt 232 followers


Hello, I would like to start auditioning to be people's girl. I won't audition for boys, sorry. Girls and enbys, give me a call~

do you like chai
hot cocoa
i’m not looking to date i just need friends


We’re besties now

Deleted user

Oh my freaking heck I never wanna see it again

It's so sickly sweet I feel like I just ate cotton candy


Oh my freaking heck I never wanna see it again

i never wanna see you again
jk i love you to the stars and back and literally nothing in this world could change that

@Pickles group

Oh my freaking heck I never wanna see it again

It's so sickly sweet I feel like I just ate cotton candy

Cotton candy is good though

Deleted user

Oh my freaking heck I never wanna see it again

It's so sickly sweet I feel like I just ate cotton candy

Cotton candy is good though



(photo evidence)

Used to have fuzzy pajamas that matched but they died a painful waxy death
I also have some fuzzy socks but they’re in the wash
(I know it sounds like I have a crazy obsession with unicorn pugs but I actually just happen to have siblings that gift these things to me for Christmas as a running joke)

Deleted user


holy shit i’m taller then you- by a bit….

Deleted user

i just got asked by a really creepy guy at school with a mullet who thinks when he sits next to a chick and bites his lip it’s sexy. it’s not. it’s just creepy he asked me if i wanna bang ? my asexual ass just ran for the fucking hills what do i do?? because i can’t just message him saying no? he that kind of person where if he wants something he will get it. i’ve seen what he’s done to other girls at our school and holy shit i am a tad bit scared. mostly because i’m asexual

Deleted user

men always respect another man's existence over your own

Deleted user

he already know so have a boyfriend. he said
‘well, he isn’t here to stop me is he?’

@Becfromthedead group

You need to say no, and if he harasses you, tell someone. It’s scary, but the alternative is possibly that you get dragged into more you don’t want anything to do with.
Or you could just ignore the message and not talk to him at all, basically refuse contact.
But same goes here. If you’re harassed, tell someone.

Deleted user

this isn’t the first time. he’s been a player since year four.
i had to sit next to him and he’d lean over saying
‘hey baby how are you today’
and i’d get up and say
‘a lot bette before i say here MOVING !’
he’s been trying to get me since we were ten man-

@Pickles group

he already know so have a boyfriend. he said
‘well, he isn’t here to stop me is he?’

I'll be there to stop in a heartbeat and no offense to him, but I feel like I can be a lot scarier than Jake

Deleted user

oh people know. the school knows. parents know.
but nothing gets done. because his mum works for the school.
he has been reported many times and he doesn't even get a slap on the wrist so…