forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Anyway you are indeed correct, anybody named Robin is cute by default
Once I met a girl named Robin/Robyn? at a summer camp and I think she was the first girl I was actually attracted to
Because not only was her name Robin
She has the freckles

@HighPockets group

I have a character named Robin, they're a chaotic trash friend.
I knew a set designer named Robin, I never really got to know them well but their artistic skill was chef's kiss and they were altogether cool.

@Anemone eco

Nie shut up. You can't say a feature you have is adorable while excluding yourself. Thats illegal and mean

Shhh. I'm legally allowed to be mean to myself.


Asking for a friend: Can someone with experience w/ chest binders please pm me? I have…many questions


Freckles are literally so cute??? I'm so jealous tbh

I used to draw on freckles when I got bored and everyone with freckles is just instantly cute.
Freckles and a good smile? Perfect
Freckles, a good smile, and DIMPLES? I'm gone. I'm dead now

Big mood though like i'm not even kidding.

But I got something better.

freckles, a good smile, dimples, and a good personality.

dies, comes back to life then dies again