forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

people_alt 232 followers

@saor_illust school

Mir I know I'm smaller than you and I don't even need to know how tall you are-
Knowing I'm shorter than five feet means that I instantly know if I'm shorter or taller than someone, based on how well I know them.

@saor_illust school

Mir I know I'm smaller than you and I don't even need to know how tall you are-
Knowing I'm shorter than five feet means that I instantly know if I'm shorter or taller than someone, based on how well I know them.


i just want cuddles
i honestly couldn’t care who they’re from
just h u g s
maybe a conversation or two
some cake and ice cream
tea lattes
the fluffy things

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

oh, to have a smol girlfriend who would watch John Mulaney with me and let me play with her hair and wear my hoodies and cuddle™️

but also

oh, to have a tall boyfriend who would watch horror movies with me and play with my hair and let me wear his hoodies and cuddle™️
BiSeXuAl ThInGs

To have a smol girlfriend to cuddle and who steals my hoodies… I'd make her some muffins and waffles and grilled cheese and she'd braid my hair and her smile would be so nice-
But also a stronk girlfriend to cuddle and braid her hair and she'd protecc me and I'd still make her food, but I can steal her hoodies and give her flowers and teach her everything I know about Animal Crossing.
Just rOmaNTiC sWitCh tHinGs

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Oh, to have a smol human being who I can pick up and spin around and cuddle and give hoodies to


Oh, to have a tall human being who can pick me up and give me hoodies and rest their chin on my head when they're tired


Hello, I would like to start auditioning to be people's girl. I won't audition for boys, sorry. Girls and enbys, give me a call~

do you like chai
hot cocoa
i’m not looking to date i just need friends

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

Hello, I would like to start auditioning to be people's girl. I won't audition for boys, sorry. Girls and enbys, give me a call~

do you like chai
hot cocoa
i’m not looking to date i just need friends


Deleted user

I'm very bisexual who wants to love me

but I'm also hella demisexual so nO gEtTiNg HaNdSy

Deleted user

I'm very bisexual who wants to love me

but I'm also hella demisexual so nO gEtTiNg HaNdSy

Ah yes