forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Today's aesthetic: Dark skinny jeans, black long sleeve shirt, curly hair, thick eyeliner, and a black choker with jewels hanging off of it

Deleted user

Today’s aesthetic: I forgot to get dressed this morning until 5 minutes before I had somewhere to be


Today's aesthetic: I'm about to go hiking through the Pacific Northwest but I forgot to get dressed until 5 minutes before I had somewhere to be. Also it's winter break so I haven't showered. Fuck this.

@The-Magician group

Today’s Aesthetic: falling asleep on your floor at 4am, only to then wake up and put yourself into bed, to then be woken up at 8:45am by your mother saying she’s going to work. Falling back asleep until finally, at 11:40, the pestering of children gets too much and you realise you’re not meant to have a decent nights sleep, but it’s okay because you have the weekend off work.

Deleted user

today's aesthetic: drinking a blend of Nyquil and redbull out of a tumbler that says "blood of my enemies" on it. Oh and a sweatshirt that would fit a overgrown male walrus, black leggings, purple hair, pale vampire skin, resting bitch face.

@The-Magician group

Tonight’s aesthetic: Ripped mom jeans, green t-shirt with a black zip-up jacket, nude makeup theme to hide my dead pale skin, and trying not to let people know that I’m not normal as I’m currently seeing everything in red.

Deleted user

Today's aesthetic: I literally have not seen the sun today and i don't plan on doing so. Binge write time.


Today's aesthetic: I'm going to be forced to socialise but I've known these people for ten years so I'm wearing paint clothes. Fuck this.

Deleted user

Today's aesthetic: lookin like Patton from Sanders Sides

a good look

Deleted user

Today’s aesthetic: white collared shirt, yellow pants, I look lesbian mostly because I miss my gf. She’s not gone or anything I just haven’t seen her in a while.


‘tis me, Ella :D

i was here a while ago for education purposes but left this and a few other chats approximately 2.5 seconds after joining when i found out my somewhat-strict, very homophobic Christian mother had the potential to see anything on my computer at any time with the click of a button

however, she can’t do that to my new phone apparently, so i’m a free bean now!

well anyway, uh… i’m starting to think i might be ace
98.5% sure to be exact
and so… i figured why not use this as an opportunity to make some new frens!!! :D

also, uhh… just going to mention, even though i have since changed and i truly, severely regret my actions, i do have a history of being unreasonably homophobic/transphobic, so if anyone’s not comfortable with me being here i completely understand, please let me know, i can leave. the last thing i’d want is to make anyone feel uncomfortable in their own safe space-

also, wow, this introduction is… really awkward.

i am off to a great start aren’t i

@HighPockets group

‘tis me, Ella :D

i was here a while ago for education purposes but left this and a few other chats approximately 2.5 seconds after joining when i found out my somewhat-strict, very homophobic Christian mother had the potential to see anything on my computer at any time with the click of a button

however, she can’t do that to my new phone apparently, so i’m a free bean now!

well anyway, uh… i’m starting to think i might be ace
98.5% sure to be exact
and so… i figured why not use this as an opportunity to make some new frens!!! :D

also, uhh… just going to mention, even though i have since changed and i truly, severely regret my actions, i do have a history of being unreasonably homophobic/transphobic, so if anyone’s not comfortable with me being here i completely understand, please let me know, i can leave. the last thing i’d want is to make anyone feel uncomfortable in their own safe space-

also, wow, this introduction is… really awkward.

i am off to a great start aren’t i

Come join me in the cake and dragon world, Ella my dear! :D

@Moxie group

it’s not a bad start
Hey, the Q stands for queer and questioning so yeah! Come on in!
I myself am not ace, but if you have any questions, I’m sure there are people here that are ace and would love to answer them!


I think that the fact you've acknowledged you were wrong and have learned better makes you as worthy of being here as any one of us. Perhaps more.
(if this offends you I'm very very sorry and please know it was only meant as a compliment)